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Osrednjo temo magistrske naloge predstavlja raziskava o spolnem življenju moških in konceptu moškosti v Celju z okolico. Spolnost predstavlja velik del naših življenj, ki se velikokrat povezuje tudi s preostalimi področji, predvsem s spolno identiteto. V nalogi sem se osredotočila na doživljanje spolnosti, spolnih vlog, spolnih praks in spolnih igračk iz perspektive moških, kar sem povezovala s konceptom moškosti. Rezultate raziskave sem dopolnila s podatki o otroštvu sodelujočih in njihovem odnosu s starši, hkrati pa se navezala tudi na razmere v gospodinjstvih in vzgojo otrok. Sogovorniki, rojeni med letoma 1988 in 2001, so spolnost po večini spoznavali skozi pornografske filme in pogovore s sovrstniki, ne pa na podlagi pogovora s starši. Razlogi za to so bili načeloma bodisi sramežljivost sogovornikov ali pa starši z njimi niso načeli pogovora o spolnosti. Samozadovoljevanje se je začelo zgodaj v otroštvu, med sogovorniki pa se razlikuje glede na status njihovega razmerja in je močno povezano z gledanjem pornografskih filmov. V zvezi s samim spolnim odnosom so s svojimi resnimi partnerkami gradili na enakopravnem in na komunikaciji utemeljenem odnosu. Vodilno spolno vlogo med samim spolnim odnosom so izmenjevali, sogovorniki pa niso bili privrženci spolnih igračk, saj so menili, da jih za dober spolni odnos ne potrebujejo, pač pa so jih uporabili na željo partnerke. O svojem spolnem življenju so govorili odprto, uporabljali so domače izraze, večinoma so bili zgovorni. Pogovori z njimi so pokazali, da je njihova generacija moških dinamično izmenjevala med hegemono in skrbno moškostjo, odvisno od področja življenja. V zunanjem svetu, kot so posel, finance in delno prijateljski odnosi ter vzgoja otrok, so sogovorniki izkazovali po večini hegemono, na področjih partnerstva pa večinoma skrbno moškost. The main theme of this master's thesis is research on the sexual life of men and the concept of masculinity in Celje and its surroundings. Sexuality is a large part of our lives, but it is often connected to other areas, especially gender identity. In the research itself, I focused on the experience of sexuality, gender roles, sexual practices, and sex toys used by men, which I connect with their concept of masculinity. I supplemented the results of the research with childhood and the relationship with the parents, but at the same time, I also related to the home lives and raising children. The interviewees, born between 1988 and 2001, mostly learned about sexuality through pornographic movies and conversations with their peers, but not through conversations with their parents. The reasons for this were the shyness of the interviewee, but in principle, because the parents did not start a conversation about sexuality with them. Masturbation began early in childhood, varied according to the relationship status, and is strongly associated with watching porn. As for the sexual relationship itself, they built a relationship based on equality and communication with their serious partners. They exchanged the leading sexual role during intercourse itself, and men were not fans of sex toys, as they considered that they do not need them for good intercourse, but they used them at the request of their partner. They talked openly about their sex lives, used vernacular expressions, and were mostly talkative. Conversations with them showed that their generation of men dynamically alternates between hegemonic and caring masculinity, depending on the area of life. In the external world, such as business, finances, partially friendly relationships, and partially children, men mostly showed hegemonic masculinity, while in the areas of partnership, caring masculinity. |