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Namen diplomskega dela je snovanje nove čistilne naprave za čiščenje zrnja. Konstruirana naprava v diplomskem delu je namenjena čiščenju zrnja mnogocvetne ljuljke, lahko pa je uporabljena tudi za čiščenje zrnja drugih vrst trav in žit. Najprej smo obravnavali teoretične osnove in pregledali literaturo, za temeljito razumevanje procesa ločevanja in čiščenja zrnja od primesi. Proces konstruiranja naprave smo začeli s pregledom že obstoječih konstrukcijskih izvedb naprav, ki so na trgu. Po postavljenih zahtevah in željah smo predpostavili, kakšen tehnološki proces bo naprava opravljala. Izdelali smo funkcijsko strukturo in morfološko matriko, kar nam je omogočilo izdelavo dveh konceptov, ki smo ju nato tudi ocenili in na podlagi tega izbrali boljši koncept. Za izbrani koncept smo izbrali in dimenzionirali strojne elemente potrebne za delovanje naprave. Napravo smo s pomočjo 3D modelirnika tudi narisali. The purpose of the final thesis is to design a new seed cleaning device for the separation of seeds and grains. The device constructed is primarily intended for cleaning the grains of italian ryegrass, but it can also be used for cleaning the grains from other types of grasses and cereals. Firstly we discussed the theoretical foundations and reviewed literature, for a thorough understanding of the process of separating and cleaning grains from impurities. We started the process of constructing the new device by reviewing the already existing types of cleaning devices on the market. According to the set requirements and wishes, we assumed what tehnological process the device is going to perform. We created a functional structure and a morphological matrix, which enabled us to create two concepts. We evaluated the concepts and based on that we chose a concept with a higher overall grade. For the selected concept, we selected and dimensioned the machine parts required for the operation of the device. We also modelled the device with a 3D-modelling program. |