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Diplomska naloga predstavi pripravo projekta izdelave karte za planinska orientacijska tekmovanja. Za pomoč pri izdelavi naloge je bila izvedena anketa, ki je omogočila pridobitev mnenja tekmovalcev o dosedanjih uporabljenih kartah pri planinskih orientacijskih tekmovanjih (državna topografska karta merila 1 : 25 000) in želenih spremembah. Na podlagi anketnih mnenj je bil v sklopu naloge izdelan redakcijski načrt za izdelavo izboljšane karte, ki bo uporabljena za planinska orientacijska tekmovanja v prihodnje. Določila redakcijskega načrta smo preverili na izdelanem poskusnem izseku izbranega območja. The thesis presents the preparation of a project dealing with the creation of a map used in mountaineering orienteering competitions. For the purposes of the thesis, we prepared a questionnaire and performed a survey. The survey enabled us to acquire information on the opinion of participants concerning the maps currently used on mountaineering orienteering competitions (the National Topographic Map, scale 1 : 25 000) and possible changes they desire. On the basis of these opinions, an editorial plan for the creation of an improved map was built as part of this thesis. The map is planned to be used in the competitions in the future. The provisions of the editorial plan were assessed on a constructed test section of a chosen area. |