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Magistrsko delo na podlagi kratkega orisa cerkvene zgodovine, sistematične obdelave papeških okrožnic, s posebnim poudarkom na tistih napisanih v zadnjih 60 letih, raziskuje spremembo cerkvenega stališča o begunstvu in okoljevarstvu. Cerkvena zgodovina ima zakonodajno vlogo v Cerkvi, zato je teoretičen uvod nujen, prav tako pa so pomembne papeške okrožnice in njihov razvoj skozi čas, kjer smo opažali vedno večjo usmerjenost v zunanji svet in manjši poudarek na delovanje Cerkve kot take. Opazili smo tudi vedno manjšo frekvenco izdajanja okrožnic z očitno izjemo Janeza Pavla II., ki je izdal bistveno več okrožnic kot njegovi predhodniki in nasledniki. O tematiki okoljevarstva smo ugotovili, da je največje premike tu naredil papež Frančišek, hkrati pa so podlago zanj pripravili že njegovi predhodniki v okrožnicah, ki se okoljevarstva spotoma dotaknejo. O begunstvu je bilo napisano mnogo že takoj po drugi svetovni vojni, a se je potem problematika razvila, z njo pa tudi stališče Cerkve, ki ga zopet najbolj zaznamuje delo papeža Frančiška, posebno še v zadnjih letih, ko temu pojavu namenja vse več pozornosti. Cerkev se sploh v sodobnosti razvija in prilagaja trenutni situaciji, vsaj v okviru teh dveh tematik, hkrati pa ostaja zvesta svoji tradiciji, zato so njena stališča trdna in premišljena. This master's thesis, based on a brief outline of Church history, systematic processing of papal encyclicals, with special emphasis on those written in the last 60 years, explores the change in the Church's position on refugees and environmental protection. Church history has a legislative role in the Church, so a theoretical introduction is necessary, and papal encyclicals and their development over time are important, where we have seen an increasing focus on the outside world and less emphasis on the Church as such. We also noticed an ever-decreasing frequency of issuing encyclicas, with the obvious exception of John Paul II, who issued significantly more encyclicas than his predecessors and successors. On the topic of environmental protection, we found that the greatest changes were made by Pope Francis, and at the same time the basis for it was prepared by his predecessors in encyclicas that touch on environmental protection along the way. Much has been written about refugees immediately after the Second World War, but then the problem developed, and with it the position of the Church, which is again most marked by the work of Pope Francis, especially in recent years, when more attention is paid to this phenomenon. The Church is evolving in modern times and adapting to the current situation, at least within these two themes, but at the same time it remains faithful to its tradition, so its views are firm and thoughtful. |