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Opatija v Rožacu leži v Furlaniji nedaleč od današnje slovenske meje. Opatija je prispevala pomemben delež k zgodovini celotne Furlanije. Zelo tesno pa je bil povezan tudi s kraji na primorskem, saj je imel posesti vse od Kopra, preko Krasa in Vipavske doline vse do okolice Bovca. O pomembnosti opatije nam govori tudi dejstvo, da je bila opatija povezana s poznanimi plemiškimi družinami kot so Goriški grofje, Eppenstenci in Spanheimi. Nekateri člani družine so bili v samostanu tudi pokopani. The abbey in Rožac lies in Friuli, not far from today's Slovenian border. The abbey has made a significant contribution to the history of the whole region of Friuli. It was also very closely connected with places in the Littoral, as it had estates all the way from Koper, through the Karst and the Vipava Valley all the way to the surroundings of Bovec. The importance of the abbey is also indicated by the fact that the abbey was associated with well-known noble families such as the Counts of Gorizia, the Eppensteins and the Spanheims. Some members of the family were also buried in the monastery. |