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Glavni poudarek magistrskega dela je igrifikacija v izobraževanju, to je uporaba mehanike igre in elementov igre v izobraževalnem kontekstu. Namen je ugotoviti, kako ta koncept vpliva na kakovost visokega šolstva v teh dveh državah, natančneje analizirati njegov vpliv na motivacijo, angažiranost in uspešnost študentov. To je bilo storjeno z analizami študij primerov Fakultete za družbene vede, Univerze v Ljubljani (Slovenija) in Ekonomske fakultete Ameriške univerze v Evropi (Makedonija), kot dveh predstavnikov visokošolskih sistemov njunih držav. Pri tem je bila uporabljena triangulacija kvantitativnih (anketa) in kvalitativnih (intervjuji) raziskovalnih metod. Rezultati kažejo, da kljub splošnemu pozitivnemu odnosu do igrifikacije profesorji na teh dveh fakultetah še vedno pretežno uporabljajo konvencionalne oz. metode poučevanja osredotočene na učitelja. Koncept je dobro sprejet tudi med študenti. Nadaljnje ugotovitve kažejo, da igrifikacija pozitivno vpliva na motivacijo in vključenost študentov prav tako pa tudi na njihovo uspešnost pri samem predmetu. The main focus of this master’s thesis is gamification in education, that is the use of game mechanics and game elements in educational context. The intention is to find out how this concept influences the quality of higher education in these two countries, or more specifically to analyse its effect on students’ motivation, engagement and course performances. For this purpose, a case-study analyses of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Faculty of Economics at the American University of Europe (Macedonia) were performed, as two representatives of the higher education systems of their respective countries. A triangulation of quantitative (survey) and qualitative (interviews) research methods were used in the process. The results suggest that despite the general positive attitude towards gamification, the teaching staff at these two faculties still predominantly use the conventional, teacher-centred methods of teaching. The concept is well-accepted among the students as well. The findings further demonstrate that gamification positively affects students’ motivation and engagement, as well as their course performances. |