Spanje dojenčkov

Autor: Matjaž, Mojca
Přispěvatelé: Vettorazzi, Renata
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: IZVLEČEK Uvod: Spanje je pomembno za vse ljudi, zlasti za dojenčka, saj v spanju raste in se mu razvijajo možgani. V prvih mesecih dojenčkovega življenja potekajo velike spremembe v vzpostavljanju ritma in trajanja spanja, vzorcih spanja in budnosti ter v strukturi spanja. Namen: Predstaviti spanje dojenčkov in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na spanje dojenčkov. Cilj diplomske naloge je odgovoriti na raziskovalna vprašanja: o razlikah v spanju med dojenimi in nedojenimi dojenčki, povezavi med spalnimi navadami dojenčkov in materinim pomanjkljivim spanjem, o vplivu prehrane na dojenčkov spanec, vplivu spalnega prostora na dojenčkov spanec in vključevanju v uspavanje dojenčka. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metoda dela. Narejen je bil pregled literature. Pregled literature je potekal s pomočjo mednarodnih spletnih podatkovnih baz CINAHL withFull TEXT, CochraneLibrary, MedLine, ScienceDirect in COBIB. SI, do katerih smo dostopali s pomočjo NUK-ovega mrežnika z oddaljenim dostopom. Uporabljeni so bili članki, objavljeni od leta 2007 do leta 2017. Rezultati: Dojeni dojenčki se zbujajo bolj pogosto kot nedojeni. Doječe matere se ponoči zbujajo pogosteje kot nedoječe, vendar to ne vpliva na njihovo dnevno zaspanost. Ugotovili so, da so matere verjele, da je dojenje najboljša prehrana za dojenčkovo rast in vzpostavljanje imunskega sistema. Večina raziskav je potrdila, da se pogosteje zbujajo dojenčki, ki so delili posteljo s starši. Razprava in sklep: V raziskavah smo ugotovili, da dojenčki v začetku svojega življenja ne ločujejo med dnevom in nočjo, prav tako nimajo rednega ritma in trajanja spanja. Šele v starosti po tretjem mesecu se spanje in ritem dojenčkovega spanca začneta podaljševati. Žensko mleko je bogato s hranilnimi snovmi in protitelesi, prav tako je hitreje prebavljivo kot mlečna formula. Zato se dojeni dojenčki zbujajo pogosteje kot dojenčki, hranjeni z mlečno formulo. Spanje v istem prostoru spodbuja vez med materjo in otrokom, prav tako dojenček mamo čuti, vonja in sliši in tako hitreje zaspi. ABSTRACT Introduction: Sleep is very important for all, but especially for infants. In their sleep they grow and develop. There are big changes in the rhythm and duration of sleep, sleep patterns, awareness and structure of sleep in the first few months of infant life. Purpose: It is to present all the factors that influences on infant sleep. The main purpose of this diploma is to answer the question of research: about difference of sleep between breastfed infant and non breastfed infant, the connection between sleeping habits of infant and mothers lack of sleep, influence of a diet on a infant sleep, influence of sleeping space on a infant sleep and integration in putting a infant to sleep. Methods: We used a descriptive research method. We researched the literature with the help of international web data base CINAHL withFull TEXT, CochraneLibrary, MedLine, ScienceDirect in COBIB. SI. We accessed through NUK's remote access network. We used articles between years 2007 an 2017. Results: Breastfed infants awake more often than non breastfed infants. Breastfeeding mothers are waking up through the night more often than non breastfeeding mothers, without disturbing their daily sleepiness. It was concluded that mothers believed that breastfeeding was the best nutrition for infants’ growth and the establishment of the immune system. Most studies show, that infant who sleeps with his parents wakes up more frequently. Discussion and conclusion: In studies, we found that infants do not divide them selves between day and night at the beginning of their lives, nor do they have regular rhythm and sleep duration. Just after the age of three months sleep and rhythm of the infant begins to prolong. Mother’s milk is very rich with nutrition’s and antibodies, also it is better digestible than the milk formula. Therefore, breastfed infants awake more often than infants fed with milk formula. Sleeping in the same room promotes the bond between mother and infant, as well as the infants’ sense of his mom with smell and hearing. This helps him to fall asleep.
Databáze: OpenAIRE