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V nalogi smo preučevali biostimulativni vpliv mikroalgnega izvlečka na sojo (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in sicer v dveh segmentih. V prvem segmentu smo v obstoječem gnojilnem poljskem poskusu na Laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani sojo foliarno tretirali z raztopino metanolnega izvlečka mikroalg. Merili smo višino rastlin, vsebnost klorofila, nodulacijo, indeks listne površine in količino pridelka tretiranih in kontrolnih ploskev. Drugi del poskusa je potekal v laboratorijskih razmerah, kjer smo obravnavali vpliv različnih koncentracij mikroalg na kalitev soje in koreninske parametre. Tako v kontroliranih razmerah kot tudi na Laboratorijskem polju, izbrani izvleček na rast soje pri veliki večini obravnavanih parametrov ni imel statistično značilnega vpliva. Mikroalgni izvleček je imel stimulativen učinek le na število koreninskih vršičkov pri koncentraciji 0,5 g/L. Pri ostalih parametrih poskusa v kontroliranih razmerah (delež kalivosti, dolžina, površina in premer korenin) statistično značilnega vpliva mikroalg ni bilo. V poskusu na Laboratorijskem polju ni bilo statistično značilnega vpliva bioefektorja. NPK gnojenje je imelo na rast soje večji vpliv kot bioefektor, kar se je pokazalo v večji vsebnosti klorofila, višji višini rastlin in večji masi nodulov na gnojenem delu. Za razliko od velike večine znanstvenih študij, opravljenih na različnih vrstah rastlin, z uporabljeno metodo dela v naši raziskavi nismo potrdili učinkovitosti mikroalg na parametre rasti soje. The research presented in this thesis was undertaken with the purpose of investigating the biostimulative effect of microalgae extract. on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in two segments. The first segment was existing field fertilizer experiment at the Laboratory Field of the Biotechnical faculty in Ljubljana, where soybean was foliar treated with a solution of methanolic microalgae extract. Plant height, chlorophyll content, nodulation, leaf area index and yield of treated and control plots were measured. The second part of the experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions, where the effect of different concentrations of microalgae on soybean germination and root parameters was investigated. Both experiments - under controlled conditions and at the Laboratory field, showed that selected extract had no statistically significant effect on soybean growth for the vast majority of parameters considered. The microalgae extract had a stimulating effect only on the number of root tips at a concentration of 0.5 g/L. The other parameters of the experiment under controlled conditions (germination rate, length, area and diameter of roots) were not statistically significantly affected. At the Laboratory field experiment, there was no statistically significant effect of the bioeffector. Fertilisation with NPK had a greater effect on soybean growth than the bioeffector, as reflected in higher chlorophyll content, plant height and nodule mass on the fertilised part. Unlike the vast majority of scientific studies, carried out on different plant species, the method of work used in our study did not confirm the effectiveness of microalgae on soybean growth parameters. |