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Magistrsko delo »Pogodbe o dobavi digitalnih vsebin« je namenjeno analizi ureditve in umestitve pogodb o dobavi digitalnih vsebin v veljavni pravni ureditvi ter primerjalnopravne ureditve po drugih državah. Izpostavlja probleme veljavne ureditve, po kateri se uporabljajo različna pravila za digitalne vsebine glede na vrsto prenosa. Primerjava ureditev po evropskih državah kaže neenotnost, kar je bila tudi podlaga za sprejetje Direktive o nekaterih vidikih pogodb o dobavi digitalne vsebine in digitalnih storitev. Direktiva predstavlja pomemben korak naprej na področju, saj celovito ureja vprašanja dobave digitalnih vsebin. Določa enotno uporabo pravil za digitalne vsebine ne glede na vrsto prenosa. Z maksimalno harmonizacijo Direktiva stremi k olajšanju vstopa na enotni trg EU ponudnikom na eni strani in enotnemu varstvu ter enotnim pravicam potrošnikov na drugi strani. Poleg analize Direktive se poskuša tudi predvideti način implementacije Direktive v nacionalni pravni red in morebitne rešitve glede ureditve področja pogodb o dobavi digitalni vsebin v prihodnosti. Master thesis »Contracts for the supply of digital content« analyses the current legal regulations in Slovenia concerning the contracts for the supply of digital content and the nature of the contract as well as the comparative law in other countries. It highlights the problems of the current legislation that differentiates digital content and the rules that apply to them according to the method of their delivery. The regulations differentiate across the European countries, which is the reason the Digital Content Directive (DCD) was adopted. DCD marks an important step forward, as it fully regulates the supply of digitales content. The DCD provides a common set of rules for digital content, regardless of the method by which they’re supplied. With the maximum harmonization the DCD strives to ease the access to the common EU market for the suppliers as well as unifying the set of rights and remedies for consumers. Futhermore the purpose of the master thesis is to foresee the different ways of implementing the DCD into national law in Slovenia and possible solutions regarding the regulation of the contracts for the supply of digital content in the future. |