Enotni digitalni trg EU in geografsko blokiranje

Autor: Bernik, Žiga
Přispěvatelé: Podobnik, Klemen
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Avtor v magistrskem delu obravnava razvoj enotnega digitalnega trga EU in proučuje njegovo postopno omejevanje z diskriminatornimi praksami, ki so neskladne s svoboščinami notranjega trga. Takšne prakse zavirajo pretok blaga in storitev v Uniji, kar preprečuje uresničitev polnega potenciala rasti notranjega trga EU ter izbiro potrošnikov. Čeprav je v nekaterih primerih morda različno obravnavanje objektivno upravičeno, v drugih primerih nekateri trgovci neupravičeno blokirajo ali omejujejo dostop do spletnih vmesnikov, uporabljajo drugačne splošne pogoje za dostop do blaga ali storitev oziroma ne sprejemajo plačilnih sredstev ali uporabljajo drugačne splošne pogoje za plačilne transakcije, iz razlogov, povezanih s strankinim državljanstvom, krajem prebivališča ali krajem sedeža. Evropska komisija je prepoznala diskriminatorne prakse neupravičenega geografskega blokiranja in v Uredbi (EU) 2018/302 predstavila ciljno usmerjene ukrepe za izbrano število primerov. Avtor v pričujočem delu ocenjuje splošni učinek veljavne Uredbe (EU) 2018/302 ter prikazuje pomembnost komplementarnega obravnavanja konkurenčnopravnih pravil EU v odnosu do zakonodajnega okvirja Komisije glede geografskega blokiranja. V tej luči poizkuša odgovoriti na raziskovalno vprašanje, ali določila v distribucijskih (licenčnih) pogodbah, ki narekujejo ozemeljske omejitve in geografsko blokiranje avtorsko zaščitenih digitalnih vsebin, kršijo določila Uredbe (EU) 2018/302 oziroma pravila poštene konkurence. Iz sklepnih ugotovitev je razvidno, da odgovor ni enostaven, saj je treba upoštevati številne dejavnike, vključno z značilnostmi industrije digitalnih vsebin, pravnim in gospodarskim kontekstom praks licenciranja, kot tudi značilnostmi zadevne storitve in geografskih trgov. In the master thesis the author analyses the development of the EU's digital single market and examines its gradual restriction by discriminatory practices which are inconsistent with the freedoms of the internal market. Such practices are hindering the movement of goods and services within the Union, which prevents the realization of the full growth potential of the EU internal market and the consumer's choice. Although such different treatment might, in some cases, be objectively justified, in other cases, respectively, some trader's practices deny or limit access to online interfaces, apply different general conditions of access to their goods or services or do not accept means of payment or apply different conditions for payment transactions, for reasons related to customer's nationality, a place of residence or place of establishment. The European Commission has identified discriminatory practices of unjustified geographical blocking and, for a selected number of cases, set out targeted measures in its Regulation (EU) 2018/302. In this paper the author assesses the overall impact of the current Regulation (EU) 2018/302 and shows the importance of complementary treatment of the EU's competition rules in relation to the Commission's legislative framework on geographical blocking. In the light of the aforementioned facts, the author seeks to answer the research question whether the provisions in distribution (licensing) agreements that dictate territorial restrictions and geographical blocking of copyrighted digital content violate the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/302 or fair competition rules respectively. The conclusions show that the answer is not easy, as a number of factors need to be taken into account, including the characteristics of the digital content industry, the legal and economic context of licensing practices, as well as the characteristics of the service and geographic markets concerned.
Databáze: OpenAIRE