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V magistrski nalogi smo ocenjevali stopnjo parazitiranosti kostanjeve šiškarice s tujerodno vrsto Torymus sinensis. Ocenili smo parazitiranost v letu 2017 in jo primerjali z leti 2015 in 2016. V letu 2017 smo nabrali šiške, opravili disekcijo šišk, s čimer smo določili število kamric, ličink T. sinensis in bub kostanjeve šiškarice v eni šiški. Parazitiranost smo določali na vzorcu 100 šišk, kjer je to bilo možno. Stopnja parazitiranosti je bila v letih od 2015 do 2017 zelo velika. V primerjavi z letom 2015 se parazitiranost leta 2017 nekoliko poveča. V Ravnici se je iz 83,5 % (2015) povečala na 84,9 % (2017), v Zg. Pohanci pa se je iz 79,4 %, (2015) povečala na 80,3 % (2017). V naravnih sestojih je parazitiranost malo večja kot v nasadih. Raziskovali smo tudi genetsko raznolikost parazitoida. Z analizo mtCOI gena smo želeli ugotoviti genetsko variabilnost parazitoida T. sinensis glede na demografsko razširjenost oz. raznolikost med leti 2015 – 2017 na istih lokacijah. Za leto 2017 smo dobili 9 različnih haplotipov. Najbolj pogost haplotip je bil HT1, sledil je haplotip HT2 in ostali haplotipi (HT3 – HT9). Med leti 2015 – 2017 vidimo, da je prišlo do genetskih sprememb parazitoida na vseh treh lokacijah. Glede na rezultate o stopnji parazitiranosti lahko sklepamo, da vnos tujerodne vrste T. sinensis predstavlja uspešen primer biotičnega varstva. In the master's thesis, we assessed the parasitism rates of the chestnut gall wasp with the non-native species Torymus sinensis. The parasitism rates were estimated in 2017 and compared with the rates from years 2015 and 2016. In 2017 the galls were collected and dissected and larval chambers, larvae of T. sinensis, D. kuriphilus larvae and pupae in galls were counted. Parasitism rate was determined in a sample of 100 galls where this was possible. Parasitism rate from 2015 to 2017 was rather high. Compared to 2015 parasitism in 2017 slightly increases. In Ravnica it increased from 83,5 % (2015) to 84,9 % (2017), in Zg. Pohanca increased from 79,4 % (2015) to 80,3 % (2017). The parasitism rate in forests is slightly higher than in the orchard. We also investigated the genetic diversity of parasitoids. By analyzing mtCOI the genetic variability of parasitoids T. sinensis was determined according to the demographic distribution, and the diversity of parasitoid from 2015 to 2017 at the same location. In 2017 9 different haplotypes were found. The most common haplotype was HT1, followed by HT2 and other haplotypes (HT3 – HT9). Between 2015 and 2017 genetic changes can be observed at all three sites. According to the findings, it can be concluded that the introduction of non-native species T. sinensis represents a successful example of biological agent. |