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V nalogi smo predstavili, kako se naredi izračun za rabo energije z namenskimi orodji. Za razumevanje smo najprej predstavili teoretične osnove in trenutne smernice Evropske unije na področju rabe energije v stanovanjski stavbah. Nato smo s pomočjo programov DesignBuilder in URSA4 naredili izračun po mesečni in urni metodi, kar smo na koncu primerjali med sabo, kot tudi z dejanskimi podatki obstoječe stavbe. Ugotovili smo, da je urna metoda bolj primerna za izračun rabe energije za ogrevanje in jo je smiselno uporabiti, ko imamo na voljo dovolj podatkov ter želimo čim bolj natančen izračun. In this paper we have presented how to do a calculation of the energy consumption with the dedicated tools. For understanding, we first presented the theoretical foundations and current guidelines of the European Union in the field of energy use in residential buildings. Then with using the DesignBuilder and URSA4 programs, we made a calculation according to monthly and hourly method, which we finally compared with each other as well as with the actual data of the existing house. We found that the hourly method is more suitable for calculation of energy use for heating and is reasonable to use it, if we have enough data and if we want the most accurate results. |