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Naloga obravnava izbrane arhivske vire s cerkvenih gradbišč poznega srednjega veka na Slovenskem. Časovno smo izbiro virov omejili na pozno 15. in v največji meri prvo polovico 16. stoletja, prostorsko pa na območje nekdanjih notranjeavstrijskih dežel na današnjem Slovenskem. Uvodnim besedam v prvem poglavju najprej sledi kratek pregled za našo nalogo relevantne literature. Drugo poglavje nato posvečamo obravnavi nekaterih važnejših arhivskih virov za poznosrednjeveško cerkveno stavbarsko dejavnost s širšega srednjeevropskega območja –redov kamnoseških (in zidarskih) bratovščin druge polovice 15. stoletja. V tretjem poglavju sledi obravnava izbranih arhivskih virov s cerkvenih gradbišč konca 15. in v večini prve polovice 16. stoletja na Slovenskem (in iz najbližje okolice). Obravnavane vire smo po tipu razdelili v dve skupini, in sicer delovršne pogodbe na eni in računsko gradivo na drugi strani. Med ohranjenimi delovršnimi pogodbami za gradnjo oziroma prezidavo cerkvenih stavb posebej izpostavljamo tri, ki jih objavljamo tudi v prilogi, med računskim gradivom, ki se ravno tako tiče gradbenih del na cerkvenih gradbiščih, pa posebej natančno obravnavamo eno poslovno knjigo oziroma register, v izbranih odlomkih ravno tako objavljen v prilogi. V zadnjem poglavju nato na podlagi obravnavanih virov izpostavimo nekaj opažanj o gradbenih razmerah na poznosrednjeveških cerkvenih gradbiščih na Slovenskem. Osredotočimo se na informacije, ki nam jih obravnavani viri posredujejo o dinamiki dela na gradbišču, predvsem o položaju različnih v gradnjo vpletenih delavcev, ustavimo pa se tudi ob vprašanju vrednosti posameznih naročil in stroških, ki so takšne projekte spremljali. The thesis concerns itself with an analysis of selected primary sources from late medieval church building sites in Slovene lands. Our selection of source material was limited to the period between the late 15th century and predominantly the first half of the 16th century, and to the area of the former Inner Austrian lands in what is today Slovenia. The introduction in the first chapter is followed by a short review of relevant literature. The second chapter is dedicated to an examination of some of the more important primary sources for late medieval church building in Central Europe – the regulations of stonemasons’ (and builders’) brotherhoods of the latter half of the 15th century. This is followed in the third chapter by an analysis of selected primary sources from church building sites of the late 15th and mainly the first half of the 16th century in Slovene lands (and in immediate proximity). We categorised the selected sources by type into two groups, namely, building contracts on the one hand and building accounts on the other. Among the contracts for the construction or modification of church buildings, we specifically analyse three surviving documents, also including their transcripts in the appendix, and among the building accounts, we focus on one account book (register), excerpts from which are likewise included in the appendix. In the last chapter, we underline some observations about the building conditions on late medieval church construction sites in Slovene lands on the basis of the analysed sources. We focus on information pertaining to work dynamics at a building site, specifically the roles of various workers, involved in building work, as well as the question of contract values and costs that accompanied such projects. |