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Prisotnost institucionalne paranoje je lahko za institucijo resen problem. Nezaupanje, dvomi in strahovi med člani lahko pripeljejo do manjše zavzetosti, motiviranosti, uspešnosti in tudi do odhoda zaposlenih, našteto posledično vpliva na samo delovanje institucije. Zato je pomembno, da se ob zaznanih znakih prisotnosti omenjene problematike pravočasno ukrepa. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli seznaniti s sprožilci institucionalne paranoje ter z njenimi učinki in posledicami. Raziskovalni del je bil opravljen s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, na podlagi katerega smo pridobili rezultate raziskave. Pri tem so sodelovali zaposleni iz izbranih institucij, natančneje so to Upravne enote, Centri za socialno delo, zdravstveni domovi in Pošta Slovenije. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti prisotnost institucionalne paranoje, vidik podrejenih in nadrejenih glede sprožilcev institucionalne paranoje, njen vpliv na zavzetost zaposlenih v izbranih institucijah in namero zapuščanja institucije. Rezultati analize raziskave kažejo v večini, da ta ni prisotna. Vendar ne smemo zanemariti določenega števila zaposlenih, ki so nasprotnega mnenja. Ugotavljamo, da so se pri zaposlenih z vlogo nadrejenega in podrejenega, ko so odgovarjali z vidika podrejenega, povprečne ocene odgovorov ujemale z odgovori podrejenih. Ko zaposleni z obema vlogama odgovarjajo z vidika nadrejenih, se njihova mnenja ujemajo z mnenji nadrejenih. Lahko predvidevamo, da so se anketiranci z obema vlogama v instituciji resnično vživeli v tisto vlogo, ki je bila v navodilih zahtevana od njih. S preučevanjem problematike institucionalne paranoje smo želeli prispevati določen prispevek, ker je izraz razmeroma neznan, saj o obravnavani problematiki ni veliko zapisanega. Prav tako pričakujemo, da bodo ugotovitve pripomogle k višji stopnji informiranosti o sami problematiki tako znotraj izbranih institucij kot pri strokovni javnosti. The presence of institutional paranoia can be a serious problem for an institution. Distrust, doubts and fears among members can lead to less commitment, motivation, and success and even to the employees leaving their jobs, which in turn affects the functioning of the institution. Therefore, it is important to take timely action when signs of the presence of the mentioned problem are detected. In the master's thesis, the triggers of institutional paranoia and its effects and consequences are presented. The research part was performed with the help of a questionnaire, on the basis of which we obtained the results of the research. Employees from selected institutions took part in this research (administrative units, social services, health centres and Pošta Slovenije (the Post of Slovenia)). The aim of the research was to determine the presence of institutional paranoia, the aspect of subordinates and superiors regarding the triggers of institutional paranoia, its impact on employee engagement in selected institutions and the intention to leave the institution. Mostly, the results of the analysis of the research show that it is not present. However, we must not neglect a certain number of employees who disagree. We find that in employees with the role of superior and subordinate, when answering from the point of view of the subordinate, the average ratings of the answers were emphasized by the answers of the subordinates. When employees with both roles answer from the perspective of superiors, their opinions are emphasized by the opinions of superiors. We can assume that the respondents with both roles in the institution really got used to the role that was required of them in the instructions. By studying the issue of institutional paranoia, we wanted to make a certain contribution because the term is relatively unknown, as there is not much written about the issue. We also expect that the findings will contribute to a higher level of information about the issue itself, both within selected institutions and among the professional public. |