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V diplomskem delu smo za kmetijo Andrejc opravili gozdno inventuro. Kmetija kot celek spada v samostojen odsek, vendar podatkov, ki bi morali biti za to posest pregledni in dostopni, v gozdnogospodarskih načrtih nismo našli. Podatke pridobljene z gozdno inventuro smo primerjali s podatki iz spletnega Pregledovalnika javnih podatkov Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije, ocenili smo njihovo uporabnost za gospodarjenje z gozdovi za lastnike gozdov. Na površini gozda, ki meri 23,22 ha, je bila izvedena inventura na 5 - arskih vzorčnih ploskvah, postavljenih na vzorčni mreži gostote 100 m x 100 m. Povprečna lesna zaloga, ki smo jo pridobili z izmero na ploskvah znaša 370,4 m3/ha, delež bukve v lesni zalogi znaša 33,9 %, smreke 13,4 % in gradna 11,7 %. Ugotovili smo, da je v Pregledovalniku javnih podatkov za 117 m3/ha previsoko ocenjena vrednost lesne zaloge. Izvedba gozdne inventure na kmetiji je lahko dobra osnova za izdelavo načrta za gozdno posest. The thesis incorporates a completed forest inventory for Andrejc farm. The farm belongs in an independent forest section. However, we were not able to locate the data for this farm that should be available and transparent in the forest management plans. We decided to compare the data obtained from the inventory with the data available on the Public Data Browser of Slovenia Forest Service and evaluate its applicability with forest management. We conducted an inventory sampling plots – each measured 500 m2 and was part of a sampling grid with 100 m x 100 m density - within a forest area that extends to 23.22 ha. The average growing stock we obtained with measurement on the sampling plots amounts to 370.4 m3/ha, within which the amount of beech is 33.9 %, the spruce 13.4 % and oak 11.7 %. We found out that the Public Data Browser displays an incorrect estimation of growing stock in the chosen area – the estimate available in the browser is up to 117 m3/ha too highly evaluated. The execution of forest inventory on a farm can be a solid base for manufacturing a forest property plan. |