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Povečuje se potreba po vzpostavitvi merjenja in oblikovanja učinkovite inovacijske politike, kar se kot še posebej pomembno izkaže v okoljih, ki želijo s pomočjo prestrukturiranja gospodarstva doseči višjo dodano vrednost in hitrejšo gospodarsko rast. Evropska unija skuša z ukrepi in strategijami izboljšati pogoje in dostop do finančnih sredstev za raziskave, razvoj in inovacije v Evropi ter s tem doseči, da se inovativne zamisli spreminjajo v proizvode in storitve, ki ustvarjajo rast in delovna mesta. Namen magistrskega dela je predlagati nov model merjenja učinkovitosti na področju inovacij, ki bo bolje omogočal preverjanje in prilagajanje politik ter ukrepov na tem področju. V analizi smo s tem namenom poleg metode DEA uporabili Malmquistov indeks produktivnosti, s katerim smo spremembe v produktivnosti držav pripisali spremembam v učinkovitosti nacionalnih inovacijskih sistemov v obdobju osmih let. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni trije modeli za merjenje učinkovitosti nacionalnega inovacijskega sistema, od katerih smo izpostavili tretjega kot najbolj uporabnega. Rezultati so pokazali, da učinkovitost nacionalnega inovacijskega sistema pomeni dosegati čim več inovativnih izložkov z danimi vložki. Več kot država doseže z danim obsegom vlaganj, večja je njena učinkovitost v primerjavi z ostalimi. Na podlagi rezultatov smo podali predlog merskega modela, ki temelji na metodi DEA z Malmquistovim indeksom, pri čemer bi nadaljnja analiza za oceno učinkovitosti izrabe sredstev pokazala možnosti za izboljšave. Na osnovi predlaganega modela in pregleda posameznih vložkov in izložkov lahko ugotovimo, kje so priložnosti za povečanje učinkovitosti nacionalnega inovacijskega sistema v državi, kar je dodana vrednost za oblikovalce politik na področju inovacij. The need for measuring and designing effective innovation policies is increasing, which proves particularly important in environments seeking to achieve higher added value and faster economic growth through economic restructuring. Through measures and strategies, the European Union seeks to improve the conditions and access to finances for research, development and innovation in Europe, thereby transforming innovative ideas into products and services that generate growth and jobs. The purpose of the master's thesis is to propose a new model for measuring performance in the field of innovation, which will better enable the examination and adaptation of policies and measures in this field. For this purpose, in addition to the DEA method, the analysis used the Malmquist Productivity Index to attribute changes in the productivity of countries to changes in the effectiveness of national innovation systems over a period of eight years. The empirical part presents three models for measuring the effectiveness of the national innovation system, of which we highlight the third as the most useful. The results show that the efficiency of the national innovation system means achieving as many innovative outputs as possible with the inputs provided. The more a country achieves with a given volume of investment, the greater is her efficiency compared to the rest. Based on the results, we proposed a measurement model based on the DEA method with the Malmquist index, and further analysis to evaluate the efficiency of asset utilization would show potential for improvement. Based on the proposed model and the review of individual inputs and outputs, we can identify where there are opportunities to increase the effectiveness of the national innovation system in the country, which is an added value for policy makers in the field of innovation. |