Računalniško podprto oblikovanje klasične animacije

Autor: Đukić, Jovana
Přispěvatelé: Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Diplomsko delo Računalniško podprto oblikovanje klasične animacije prikazuje teoretično podlago in praktično izvedbo klasičnega digitalno risanega 2D kratko animiranega filma z naslovom Mama devojka. Namen dela je ustvariti stilsko prepoznaven kratki animirani film, predstaviti postopek izdelave klasične animacije s tehniko digitalnega risanja in opozoriti na mlade kreativce, ki se s klasično animacijo profesionalno ukvarjajo. V teoretičnem delu je prikazano, zakaj je animacija kot vizualna rešitev pomembna in kakšne so njene prednosti. Podrobneje je opisan digitalni pristop k klasični animaciji. Predstavljeno je osem uspešnih mladih animatork in tehnike, ki jih uporabljajo pri svojem delu. V praktičnem delu je povzet postopek izdelave kratkega animiranega filma od začetne, idejne faze do končnega izdelka. Prikazan je tako razvoj zgodbe animacije, kot tehnična izvedba v programu TvPaint. Razvoj zgodbe je sestavljen iz analize zgodbe, stilskih smernic, snemalne knjige, načrtovanja planov in kadrov ter razvoja likov. Pri tehnični izvedbi so predstavljena programska orodja in uporabljeni načini animiranja. Opisan je tudi postopek snemanja zvoka – naracije zgodbe in pomembnosti le-tega za izkušnjo gledalca ob gledanju animacije. Rezultat diplomske naloge je kratki animirani film skupaj z razpravo o formi in narativnosti izdelka. Pozornost je namenjena predvsem likovnemu jeziku in vizualnim rešitvam, ki tvorijo identiteto animacije. V zaključkih je podana ocena kratkega animiranega filma, možnosti izboljšave in končna misel o diplomskem delu. The Bachelor thesis final work, called Computer-aided design of classical animation, rep- resents first the theoretical basis and then the practical realization of the classic digital cartoon 2D short animated film entitled “Mama devojka” (Eng. Mom Girl). The purpose of the work is to create a stylishly recognizable short animated film, present the entire process in the production of classic animation, with the technique of digital drawing and to draw attention to the young creators who are professionally engaged in it. The theoretical part deals with why animation, as a visual solution, is important and what its advantages are. The digital approach to classic animation is described in more detail. Thereafter, eight successful young animators were presented and the techniques that they use in their work. The practical part summarizes the process of producing a short animated film from the initial, conceptual, phase to the final product. The development of animation story as well as the technical aspect of creation in the program TvPaint is presented. The development of the story consists of an analysis of the story, stylistic guidelines, record books, planning of plans and personnel, and the development of characters. In the technical implementation, software tools and animation methods are presented. The process of recording the sound of the story and the importance of this is also described for the experience of the viewer while watching the animation. The results of the discussion present the film form and narrativeness of the product. Attention is focused primarily on visual language and visual solutions that form the identity of animation. The conclusions provide an evaluation of the short animated film and the final thought of the diploma work.
Databáze: OpenAIRE