Otrokovo sprejemanje razveze staršev

Autor: Strnad, Oriana
Přispěvatelé: Leskošek, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati otrokovo sprejemanje razveze staršev. V teoretičnem uvodu sem najprej opredelila, kaj je razveza zakonske zveze. Nato sem opredelila pojem največje koristi otroka ter navedla nekaj, za mojo temo najpomembnejših, členov iz Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah. Zanimalo me je tudi, kaj so občutki krivde in če jih otroci občutijo v povezavi z razvezo. Opisala sem tudi ravnanja staršev v odnosu do razveze in do otrok, kako otrok doživlja razvezo staršev, kako se nanjo odziva in kakšne posledice ima razveza staršev na otroke ter kako (in če) otrokova starost ob razvezi staršev vpliva na otrokovo sprejemanje razveze staršev. Predstavila sem tudi otrokove neformalne socialne mreže, katere neformalne mreže so za otroka najpomembnejše in kako vplivajo na otrokovo sprejemanje razveze staršev. Na koncu teoretičnega uvoda pa sem predstavila še delo šolske svetovalne službe in centra za socialno delo ter kakšen vpliv imata v otrokovem procesu razveze staršev. Za temo sem se odločila, saj se mi je tekom praktičnega načina študija in ob prebiranju literature velikokrat pojavilo vprašanje, koliko so strokovni delavci zares vključeni v proces otrokovega sprejemanja razveze staršev. Med opravljanjem praktičnega študija sem velikokrat dobila občutek, da so otroci zelo malo vključeni v svetovalne procese, kljub temu da imajo strokovni delavci vsa pooblastila, da bi jih vključili v ta proces. Raziskava je kvantitativna, deskriptivna in eksplorativna. V moji raziskavi je sodelovalo 106 polnoletnih prebivalcev Republike Slovenije, katerih starši so se razvezali, ko so bili stari med 6 in 15 let. Odgovarjali so na standardizirani spletni anketni vprašalnik, ki je bil sestavljen iz 17 vprašanj. S pomočjo njihovih odgovorov sem analizirala rezultate ter preverjala hipoteze, ki sem si jih postavila. Ovrgla sem dve hipotezi, potrdila pa prav tako dve hipotezi. Ugotovila sem, da je občutke krivde ob razvezi staršev doživljala približno četrtina vseh anketirancev, da v povprečju starejši otroci težje sprejemajo razvezo staršev, da se več kot polovica anketirancev strinja, da so neformalne socialne mreže pomembno vplivale na sprejemanje razveze staršev ter da bi si več kot polovica anketirancev želela več sodelovanja s strokovnimi delavci. Na podlagi odgovorov anketirancev sem nato napisala še razpravo, na podlagi tega pa sklepe in predloge. Predlogi, ki sem jih navedla, so, da bi anketirala otroke z nedavno izkušnjo razveze ter raziskovala še z vidika staršev. Predlogi za strokovne delavce pa so, da bi imeli vsaj eno srečanje z otrokom razvezanih staršev ter da bi bilo predhodno svetovanje namenjeno tudi informiranju in podpori staršem. The main aim of this graduation thesis is to research a child's acceptance of parents' divorce. In the theoretical introduction, I defined what is divorce. Then I defined the concept of biggest interest for a child, and I listed some of the most important articles for my theme from the Convention of children's rights. I was interested to know what the feeling of guilt is and if it appears when a child is going through the process of parents' divorce. I also described parents' behaviour concerning divorce and children, how a child is accepting parents' divorce, how a child reacts regarding divorce, what consequences the divorce has on a child, and how (or if) the child's age influence his acceptance of divorce. I also described a child's informal social networks, which informal social networks are the most important for a child, and how they impact a child's acceptance of divorce. At the end of the theoretical introduction, I described school counselling and the centre of social work, and how they impact a child's acceptance of divorce. I chose this topic because, in the course of my practical studies and reading the literature, I often wondered how involved professionals really are in the process of a child's acceptance of his parents' divorce. During my practical studies, I often had the feeling that children are very little involved in the counselling process, even though practitioners have all the powers to involve them. The research is quantitative, descriptive and explorative. In my research participated 106 adult residents of the Republic of Slovenia, whose parents divorced when they were at the age between 6 and 15. They filled in a network questionnaire with 17 questions. I analysed their responses, and I checked my hypothesis. I refuted 2 hypotheses and I confirmed 2 hypotheses. I found out that a quarter of respondents did feel guilty for their parent's divorce, that older children accept their parent's divorce harder, that more than half of respondents thought that informal social networks were important for their acceptance of parent's divorce and that more than half respondent wish they had more professional help. Then I also added the discussion, conclusions, and annexes at the end. The suggestions I have made are to interview children with a recent divorce experience, and to explore further from the parents' point of view. Suggestions for practitioners are to have at least one meeting with the child of divorced parents, and to provide information and support to parents in the preliminary counselling.
Databáze: OpenAIRE