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Diplomska naloga se ukvarja s tem, kako so obravnavali koncept norosti v 19. stoletju. Tematiko osvetli tako z zgodovinskega kot s filozofskega vidika. S filozofskega vidika je v ospredju Foucaultevo raziskovanje na tem področju ter vpliv Freuda in psihoanalize, ki se pojavi ob koncu stoletja, z zgodovinskega pa podrobnejši pregled, ravnanja z duševnimi bolniki v psihiatričnih bolnišnicah. Ključno vprašanje, s katerim se ukvarja, pa je sama sprememba v obravnavanju duševne bolezni in duševno bolnih skozi 19. stoletje. The undergraduate thesis deals with the problem of how they examine concept of insanity in 19. century. It shows thematic both from historical and philosophical point of view. In philosophical point of view the main problem is Foucault's research in this area and impact of Freud and his psychoanalysis, which comes to life at the end of century, from historical point of view, the main problem is more detailed review of how they treated mentally ill in psychiatric hospitals. Key issue, with which the undergraduate thesis deals with is the change on how they examine mental ilness and mentally ill in 19. century. |