Analiza poslovanja podjetja Mizarstvo Jožko Strosar s.p

Autor: Strosar, Tine
Přispěvatelé: Pezdevšek Malovrh, Špela
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Slovenska podjetja so v tržno-gospodarskem sistemu čedalje bolj izpostavljena ostrim konkurenčnim razmeram in hitremu spreminjanju tržnih razmer. Izjema niso niti lesnopredelovalna podjetja, ki so zaradi slabega stanja gozdno-lesne verige v Sloveniji velikokrat nekonkurenčna in posledično slabše poslujejo, kot ostala podjetja iz drugih panog. Namen poslovne analize podjetja Mizarstvo Jožko Strosar s. p. je analizirati in oceniti poslovanje podjetja v obdobju petih let ter na podlagi analize podati ukrepe za izboljšanje poslovanja. Kot osnova za analizo so nam služili podatki, ki izvirajo predvsem iz bilanc stanj in izkazov poslovnih izidov podjetja, ter izračuni temeljnih kazalnikov uspešnosti poslovanja, kot so proizvodnost, gospodarnost in donosnost. Na podlagi analize poslovanja podjetja smo ugotovili, da je podjetje v poslovanju uspešno ter da trendi nakazujejo vse bolj uspešno poslovanje. Podjetje je pri svojem poslovanju uspešno, ker povečuje proizvodnost, posluje gospodarno in donosno, povečuje promet, izboljšuje in ohranja kvaliteto izdelkov, ima veliko stalnih kupcev, povečuje število zaposlenih, fluktuacija zaposlenih je majhna in ima enakomerno prodajo skozi celotno leto. Kljub temu pa se pri poslovanju podjetja pojavljajo problemi, ki so povezani s financiranjem podjetja, sredstvi podjetja in obračanjem kratkoročnih sredstev. Zaradi dolgoročnih obveznosti je finančna varnost podjetja slaba in stopnja zadolženosti visoka. Posledično je slabša tudi kreditna sposobnost in zmožnost samofinanciranja. Za uspešnejše poslovanje v prihodnosti je za podjetje pomembno, da se ne zadolžuje več in da morebitne investicije financira samo. Priložnost za zaposlitev naj dobi tudi mlad in izobražen kader, ki bi s svojim znanjem pripomogel k tehnološkemu razvoju podjetja in omogočal obstoj in prodor na še zahtevnejše trge. The purpose of the business analysis of the carpentry Mizarstvo Jožko Strosar SP (Sole Proprietorship) is to analyse and to evaluate the company's operation over a period of five years, and to introduce analysis-based measures to improve its operation. Data that derived primarily from the company's balance sheets and profit and loss accounts in conjunction with the calculation of the key economic performance indicators, i.e. productivity, cost-effectiveness and profitability, served as the basis for the analysis. Slovenian companies are in the market economic system increasingly exposed to a fierce competitive environment as well as to rapidly changing market realities. Even the wood processing companies are no exception, which, due to the poor condition of the forest-wood chain in Slovenia, are often uncompetitive and, consequently, underperforming compared to companies in other sectors. Based on the business operations analysis, it has been established that the company is viable and that trends indicate a growing successful business, i.e. thanks to the productivity increase of the company, its economical and profitable business, its sales growth, its continuous improvement and maintenance of the quality of products, its large number of regular customers, its increase in the number of employees, as well as thanks to little fluctuation and the steady sales throughout the year. Nonetheless, there are some problems occurring concerning the company's operations and which are related to the financing of the company, to the company's assets and the reversal of short-term funds. Due to the long-term liabilities, the company's financial security is poor and the level of indebtedness is high. Consequently, even the creditworthiness and the ability to self-financing is impaired. For a better future performance it is important for the company to not get into debt any more and to finance any investments by itself. The opportunity for employment should also be given to young and educated people who would, thanks to their knowledge, contribute to the technological development of the company, enable its existence and break into even more demanding markets.
Databáze: OpenAIRE