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Magistrska naloga z naslovom Digitalizacija slovenskega jezika skozi prizmo govorniške prakse želi prikazati namembnost govora, govorništva in govorniške prakse v povezavi z digitalizacijo v slovenskem prostoru – s poudarkom na 19. in 21. stoletju – in ob tem opozoriti na dejstvo, da so omenjene prvine kljub temu, da se jim posveča (pre)malo jezikoslovne pozornosti, pomembne. Naloga skuša v teoretičnem delu opredeliti pojem govorništva oz. retorike in na kratko prikazati uporabnost govorništva v 19. stoletju, saj se je v tem stoletju govorniška praksa izkazala za pomemben dejavnik pri konstituiranju slovenstva. Poleg osvetlitve govorništva 19. stoletja pa se naloga v tem delu posveča tudi sodobnemu govorništvu 20. in 21. stoletja ter uporabnosti govora in govorniške prakse pri digitalizaciji slovenskega jezika v 21. stoletju. Dejstvo namreč je, da je k šibki raziskanosti slovenskega govora zagotovo doprinesla njegova raznolika akustična podoba, ki jo je bilo brez neustreznih računalniških tehnologij vse do 20. stoletja težko analizirati. Na Slovenskem se je tako nekje v 80. letih 20. stoletja začelo razvijati področje mlade jezikoslovne veje – korpusno jezikoslovje, ki je omogočilo obdelovanje večjih količin jezikovnih podatkov in s tem obširnejšo analizo ter digitalizacijo govorjenega jezika. V empiričnem delu skuša naloga s projektnim delom ob pomoči že ustvarjenih korpusnih raziskav predstaviti predloge in izzive, ki se porajajo pri izgradnji govornih korpusov, sintetizatorjev in razpoznavalnikov govora. The Master's thesis entitled Digitisation of the Slovenian language through the prism of the oratory practice aims to show the purpose of speech, oratory and the oratory practice in connection with digitisation in Slovenia with an emphasis on the 19th and the 21st century. At the same time, it draws attention to the fact that the mentioned elements, even though (too) little linguistic attention is dedicated to them, are significant. In the theoretical part, the thesis tries to define the concept of oratory or rethoric and briefly show the usefulness of oratory in the 19th century since this was the century when the oratory practice proved to be a significant factor in the founding of Slovene identity. In addition to illuminating the 19th-century oratory, this part of the thesis also focuses on the modern oratory of the 20th and the 21st century and the usefulness of speech and the oratory practice in the digitisation of the Slovenian language in the 21st century. It is a fact that the weakly researched speech was definitely contributed to by its acoustic image, which was, until the 20th century, difficult to analyse without adequate computer technologies. Therefore, somewhere in the 1980s, the field of a young branch of linguistics called corpus linguistics began to develop in Slovenia, which enabled the processing of large amounts of linguistic data as well as the appropriate analysis and digitisation of the spoken language. Besides corpus linguistics, suitable digitisation of spoken language is also made possible by speech technologies, which create speech synthesisers with an appropriate speech basis. In the empirical part, the thesis tries to present propositions and challenges arising in making speech corpora and speech synthesisers through its project work and with the help of already created corpus research. |