Sezonska in prostorska variabilnost antropogenih virov v prehrani rjavega medveda (Ursus artos L.) v Sloveniji

Autor: Štraus, Hana
Přispěvatelé: Jerina, Klemen
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Raziskovali smo, kako prostorska razporeditev medvedov in sezona vplivata na pomen antropogene hrane v prehrani te vrste. Podatke o prehrani smo pridobili iz iztrebkov telemetriranih medvedov ob njihovih dnevnih počivališčih. Iztrebke smo analizirali in določili volumenske deleže različnih prehranskih virov. Z nadaljnjimi statističnimi analizami smo analizirali prehrano glede na letni čas, oddaljenost od naselij in predhodno rabo krmišč. Ugotavljali smo tudi retencijski čas za koruzo s krmišč. Antropogena hrana s krmišč je pomemben energijski vir za medveda, pri čemer se njen pomen spreminja z leti, v odvisnosti od obroda plodonosnih drevesnih vrst, zlasti bukve. Ugotovili smo, da medvedi pogosto uporabljajo hrano s krmišč, tudi če so ta postavljena blizu naselij. Zato predvidevamo, da lahko s tem ukrepom medvede odvračamo ali privabljamo od naselij, odvisno od postavitve krmišča. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je retencijski čas za koruzo pet do 18 ur, kar pomeni da bi koruzo v iztrebku našli v roku enega dne po tem, ko je medved obiskal krmišče. In the thesis, we studied how season and brown bear spatial distribution affect the role of anthropogenic food in the diet of the species. The information about the diet was gained by collecting and analysing faeces from the daybeds of bears equipped with a GPS collars, and by estimating the volume share of each food source. Further statistical analyses were used to examine the diet of bears in relation to the season, the distance from urban areas and in relation to the pre-use of feeding places. Another issue was determination of the retention time of corn found on feeding places. From the gained results, we concluded that anthropogenic food from feeding places is a significant source of energy for the bears. However, the importance of it depends on the season, mostly on the presence of mast. The findings show that bears often use food from feeding places, even if they are located near settlements. Therefore, it can be anticipated that bears might be attracted or discouraged from settlements depending on the placement of feeding places. Retention time for corn is five to 18 hours, which means that the maize would be found in the excrement within one day after the bear visited the feeding place.
Databáze: OpenAIRE