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Splošna knjižnica je po bibliotekarskem terminološkem slovarju namenjena splošni vzgoji, izobraževanju, kulturi in razvedrilu. Svoje gradivo in storitve je po Zakonu o knjižničarstvu dolžna zagotoviti tudi ljudem s posebnimi potrebami. V tej nalogi sem predstavila značilnosti uporabnikov z motnjo avtističnega spektra v splošni knjižnici. Za doseganje vključevanja uporabnikov z motnjo avtističnega spektra v družbo je pomembno poznavanje same motnje in znanje o ravnanju z uporabniki s tovrstno motnjo. Sledi predstavitev uporabnikov z motnjo avtističnega spektra ob upoštevanju smernic za ravnanje z uporabniki. V nalogi sem navedla primere knjižničnih storitev za uporabnike z motnjo avtističnega spektra, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti tudi v slovenskih splošnih knjižnicah. Predstavila sem primere dobre prakse, ki sem jih spoznala med opravljanjem obvezne študijske prakse v tretjem letniku študija bibliotekarstva. According to the Dictionary of Library Terminology, a public library is for general education, training, culture and entertainment. It is also obliged to provide its materials and services to people with disabilities under the Library Act. In this thesis, I present the characteristics of users with autism spectrum disorder in a public library. Knowledge of the disorder itself and how to deal with users with autism spectrum disorder is important for achieving social inclusion for users with autism spectrum disorder. This is followed by a presentation of users with autism spectrum disorder, taking into account the guidelines for the management of users. In this thesis, I have given examples of library services for users with autism spectrum disorder that can be used in Slovenia public libraries. I presented examples of good practice that I had learnt during my compulsory study placement in the third year of my library science degree |