Totalitarizem v dramatikI Draga Jančarja in Sławomirja Mrożka

Autor: Žugman, Pia Marija
Přispěvatelé: Rezoničnik, Lidija, Pezdirc Bartol, Mateja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Namen diplomske naloge je bil raziskati razlike v odražanju totalitarizma v izbranih delih iz dramskega opusa Draga Jančarja in Sławomirja Mrożka ter izvesti analizo oseb in ženskih likov. V diplomskem delu sta navedeni predstavitvi obeh avtorjev ter njunega opusa in nato analiza dram Disident Arnož in njegovi, Veliki briljantni valček, Policija in Tango. V začetnih poglavjih naloge je podana metodologija in teorije, ki sem jih uporabila v analizi, na koncu dela pa je predstavljena primerjava ugotovitev o vseh delih. Ugotovila sem, da okolje in vrsta totalitarizma vplivata na pisanje dramskih del ter da se osebe v različnih prikazih totalitarne ureditve, nanjo drugače odzivajo. Ugotovila sem tudi, da je ženskih likov v obravnavanih dramah manj in jim je namenjeno manj besedila, imajo pa zato (nekatere) ključno vlogo pri poteku dramskega dogajanja. The purpose of this degree paper is to explore the differences in the reflection of totalitarianism in selected works from the dramatic oeuvre of Drago Jančar and Sławomir Mrożek and to analyse the (female) characters. This paper contains the introductions of both authors and their works, followed by the analyses of dramas Disident Arnož in njegovi, Veliki briljantni valček, Policija in Tango. The first few chapters contain the methodology and the theories, which I used for the analysis, the final chapters are composed of a comparison between the findings. I establish that the environment and the kind of totalitarian regime influence the making of the dramatic work and that the characters react differently under the different displays of the totalitarian order. I also found out that there are fewer female characters and that they have fewer lines, although some of them play a crucial role in the development of the story.
Databáze: OpenAIRE