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Dolžnost socialne države je poskrbeti za državljane, ki so brez dohodkov, ali pa so le-ti tako nizki, da jim ne omogočajo zadovoljevanja minimalnih življenjskih potreb. Slovenija premore veliko socialnih transferjev, da državljane obvaruje pred revščino. Ena izmed teh pomoči je tudi denarna socialna pomoč, do katere je opravičenih veliko brezposelnih oseb. Prejemanje tovrstne pomoči pa lahko postane razlog, da prejemnik postane neaktiven, ker se mu delo za minimalno plačo ne izplača. Namen diplomskega dela je, ugotoviti, kolikšen vpliv ima denarna socialna pomoč pri vstopu na trg dela ter, ali prejemnike spodbuja k iskanju zaposlitve. Tematika je preučena na dveh različnih regijah v Sloveniji. Za raziskavo so bili uporabljeni javno dostopni statistični podatki. Pri analizi statističnih podatkov sem ugotovila, da DSP nima bistvenega vpliva pri zaposlovanju, saj se število brezposelnih oseb manjša, prav tako pa tudi število prejemnikov. To smo lahko opazili tudi na podrobneje raziskanem trgu območne službe Murska Sobota, ki velja za regijo z visoko stopnjo registrirane brezposelnosti ter z velikim številom prejemnikov DSP-ja, in Nova Gorica, kjer je stanje na trgu dela in sociale pod državnim povprečjem. Za prejemanje te vrste pomoči je potrebno izpolnjevati veliko pogojev. Prav tako ne gre za dolgotrajno pomoč, ki bi jo bilo mogoče koristiti v nedogled, zato je njen vpliv na zaposlovanje minimalen. Ne moremo pa zares vedeti, koliko oseb resnično potrebuje to vrsto pomoči ter, ali je razlog, da se ne želijo zaposliti zaradi visokih prejemkov. Država problem že rešuje z različnimi programi za spodbujanje k ponovnemu vstopu na trg dela. It is a welfare state’s duty to provide for citizens without income or citizens with such low income that does not cover their basic needs. Slovenia has many social transfers to protect its citizens from poverty, one of which is social assistance benefits in cash. Many unemployed people are beneficiaries of this assistance, which can also lead to recipients becoming inactive, since working for a minimum wage is not worth it. The purpose of this thesis is to determine what is the impact of social assistance benefits in cash among unemployed on entering the labor market and whether it encourages the recipients to seek employment or they prefer to remain inactive. The topic was studied in two different regions in Slovenia. Publicly available statistical data were used for the research. In analyzing the statistical data, we found that social assistance benefits in cash has no significant impact on employment, as the number of unemployed people is decreasing, as well as the number of recipients. This was also observed in closely researched market of the Murska Sobota regional office, which is considered to be a region with high rate of registered unemployment and a large number of recipients of social assistance benefits in cash, and Nova Gorica, where the condition of the labor market and social welfare is below the national average. A set of conditions need to be met in order to receive this type of assistance, however, this is not a long-term assistance that could be received indefinitely, therefore its impact on employment is minimal. We cannot know for certain how many people truly need this type of assistance and whether they are reluctant to find a job because of it. The state is already working on the issue with various incentive programs to encourage people to re-enter the labor market. |