Analiza vibracijskih obremenitev pri delu z motorno žago

Autor: Rak, Andrej
Přispěvatelé: Boltežar, Miha
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Izvedena je bila analiza vibracijskih obremenitev na ročajih motorne žage med obratovanjem po priporočilih standardov za vpliv vibracij in udarcev na ljudi. Z upoštevanjem standardov SIST EN ISO 5348-1:2002, SIST EN ISO 5348-2:2002, SIST EN ISO 22867:2012 in ISO 10819:1996 so bile izvedene laboratorijske meritve, na podlagi katerih je bila v nadaljevanju z namensko izdelano kodo izvedena analiza obremenitev. Na podlagi Fouriereve transformacije je bil izračunan koren srednje vrednosti kvadratov. Koren srednje vrednosti kvadratov je bil v nadaljevanju ustrezno utežen po priporočilih standarda za vpliv vibracij in udarcev na ljudi. Utežni koren srednje vrednosti kvadratov je cenilka vibracijske obremenitve, ki jo prejme človek. Slednjo cenilko smo preverili pri proizvajalcu in zanjo se je izkazalo, da od cenilke, dobljene z našo analizo, odstopa za 7,4 %. An analysis of the vibration loads on the handle of the chainsaw during operation according to the recommendations of the standards for the impact of vibrations and impacts on humans was carried out. According to the recommendations of the standards for the vibraction and shock with respect to human beings, the laboratory measurements based on which the SIST EN ISO 5348-1: 2002, SIST EN ISO 5348-2: 2002, SIST EN ISO 22867: 2012 and ISO 10819: 1996. The load analysis was carried out with a purposely build code. On the basis of Fourier transform, the root of the mean value of the squares was calculated. The root of the mean square value was subsequently weighted according to the recommendations of the standard for the vibraction and shock with respect to human beings. The weighted root of the mean square value is the vibrational load estimator received by man. We compared the vibrational load estimator received by man with the manufacturer, which turned out to differ by 7,4 % from the valuation obtained by our analysis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE