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Namen magistrskega dela je bil izdelati in preveriti Vpliv prilagojenega 6-tedenskega programa funkcionalne vadbe na telesno pripravljenost in učinkovitost gibanja pri ektomorfu. V raziskavi smo uporabili študijo primera. Merjenec je bil ektomorfni moški, star 57 let. Pred začetkom in po koncu vadbe smo izmerili merjenčevo gibalno učinkovitost s FMS testi, telesno pripravljenost s testi gibalnih in funkcionalnih sposobnosti in njegovo telesno sestavo ter somatotip. Na podlagi začetnih meritev smo sestavili program vadbe. Vadba je potekala v fitnesu, pod vodstvom diplomantke Fakultete za šport. 6-tedenski program je zajemal dve vadbeni enoti tedensko, ki sta trajali približno eno uro. Ugotovili smo, da prilagojen program vadbe pozitivno vpliva na gibalno učinkovitost, saj je merjenec dosegel izboljšanje pri petih od sedmih FMS testov, skupno število točk se je izboljšalo za 87 %. Na začetnem testiranju je merjenec dosegel 8 točk, na končnem pa 15. Izboljšala se je tudi telesna pripravljenost merjenca (moč, gibljivost, koordinacija, ravnotežje, vzdržljivost). Največji napredek smo ugotovili pri moči (moč rok in ramenskega obroča, ki je bila na začetnem testiranju tudi najslabša), katere razvoju je bil posvečen velik del treningov. Pri telesni sestavi so se po šestih tednih spremembe šele začele dogajati zaradi relativno kratkega programa. Merjenec je izgubil 2,6 % maščobnega tkiva, 12,5 % visceralne maščobe, pridobil 1,5 % mišične mase, indeks telesne mase pa se je zmanjšal za 2,3 %. Somatotip se je iz uravnoteženega ektomorfa (3 – 3,25 – 4) spremenil v ektomorf – mezomorfa (2,5 – 3,75 – 4). Prilagojena funkcionalna vadba je v našem primeru pozitivno vplivala na učinkovitost gibanja in telesno pripravljenost ektomorfa, vendar bi za večji napredek – še posebej kar se tiče telesne sestave – morali z vadbo nadaljevati še nekaj mesecev. The aim of this master's thesis was to make a 6-week functional workout program, which was adapted for the ectomorph body type, and to see how it influenced the subject's overall physical shape and efficiency of movement. We used an case study in the research. The subject was an ectomorph male, age 57. Before and after the exercise we mesasured the subject's body composition and somatotype, his movement efficiency using FMS tests, and his overall body shape using movement and functional ability tests. We used these measurements to put together the workout program. The workout took place in the gym with guidance from a Faculty of sports graduate. The 6-week program consisted of two workouts per week, which were about an hour long. The results showed an improvement of the subject's efficiency of movement by 87 %, 5 out of 7 FMS test scores were improved. In the initial measurements, the subject got 8 points, and 15 points in the final mesaurements. The subject's overall shape also improved (strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, endurance). The biggest improvement was measured in strength (arm and shoulder strength, which was also the worst in the initial mesurements), to which a lot of attention was paid during workout sessions. Due to a relatively short program, changes in body composition only started to take place. The subject lost 2.6 % of fat tissue, 12.5 % of visceral fat, and gained 1,5 % of muscle mass, the body mass index decreased by 2.3 %. The subject's somatotype changed from balanced ectomorph (3 – 3.25 – 4) to ectomorph-mesomorph (2.5 – 3.75 – 4). The adapted functional workout program therefore positively influences the efficiency of movement and body shape of an ectomorph, but we would need to continue with the program for a more noticeable progress, especially for changes in body compositon. |