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Gradbeništvo pri nas ostaja sektor, kjer se nove tehnologije implementirajo počasi in so v zaostanku za zahodnimi državami. Želja za prehod na nove tehnologije je povezana s poslovnim uspehom podjetja, čeprav je s prihodom novih pristopov za klasično delo učinkovitost zaposlenih večja. Diplomska naloga predstavi načine in tehnologije s področja virtualne resničnosti (VR), ki imajo potencial uporabe v gradbeništvu. Opisani so pojem virtualnosti in različne variacije, ki nastopajo pri prehodu iz realnosti v virtualnost. Predstavljena sta dva primarna produkta dela, in sicer SmartReality in Mikrosoftov HoloLens, ter v nadaljevanju njihova uporaba in delo na področju gradbeništva. Prikaže se pomen tehnologij za bodoč razvoj sektorja, njihove prednosti, slabosti in tehnične omejitve. Za vsak produkt se tudi opiše periferijo, ki sodeluje z njima, in poveča splošno uporabnost. To sta Moverio smart Glasses in Oculus Rift. Construction is a sector where new technologies are implemented slowly and are still behind western countries. The need for a transfer to newer technologies is connected to bussiness success of a company, even though new approaches increas productivity for the employees. Thesis will present implementations and technologies from a field of virtual reality (VR) that could be used in the contruction industry. Virtuality is described along with its variations that link fields between reality and virtuality. Two products will be presented, SmartReality and Microsofts HoloLens, along with their usage in the field of construction. Strong incentive is also presented to show a future development of a given sector, its strenghts and weaknesses along with their technical limitations. Both products are shown in combination with other peripheries like Oculuts rift and Moverio Smart Glasses which increase products usability. |