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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena konstrukcija naprave za samodejno vrtanje izvrtin v palice okroglega preseka. Metodologija dela sloni na osnovnih postopkih konstruiranja, kjer od analize problema prek osnovnih zahtev in izdelave funkcijske strukture ter morfološke matrike izdelamo različne koncepte. Na osnovi tehnične in ekonomske ocene smo izbrali najprimernejši koncept. S trdnostnimi preračuni smo izbrali določene dimenzije posameznih komponent. Izdelan je podroben 3D-geometrijski model s pomočjo programa SolidWorks. Izdelan je stroškovni izračun glede na izbrane komponente in ocenjenih stroškov izdelave nestandardnih komponent. The thesis presents the construction of a device for automatic drilling of holes in rods of round cross-section. The work methodology is based on the basic construction procedures, where we create different concepts from the analysis of the problem through the basic requirements and the creation of the functional structure and morphological matrix. Based on the technical and economic assessment, we chose the most suitable concept. Using strength calculations, we selected certain dimensions of individual components. A detailed 3D-geometric model is created using the SolidWorks program. A cost calculation based on the selected components and the estimated costs of manufacturing non-standard components is also made. |