Reform of judicial proceedings in family matters in the light of adoption of the new Family Code
Autor: | Mihajlović, Tamara |
Přispěvatelé: | Kramberger Škerl, Jerca |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2023 |
Předmět: |
Family Code
child's best interest postopki za varstvo koristi otroka child's position within the procedure največja otrokova korist nepravdni postopek proceedings for the protection of child's interest položaj otroka kot udeleženca postopka proceedings in family matters Družinski zakonik non-contentious civil procedure postopki v družinskih zadevah |
Popis: | Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava postopke v družinskih zadevah, ki so v luči uveljavitve Družinskega zakonika (DZ) leta 2019 doživeli korenito prenovo. DZ je namreč pristojnost za odločanje v družinskih zadevah prenesel s centrov za socialno delo na sodišča, določil pa je tudi nekatere nove pristojnosti sodišč. Posledično je bilo treba prenoviti tudi procesna pravila v teh zadevah. Rezultat prenove je Zakon o nepravdnem postopku (ZNP-1), po katerem sedaj odločajo sodišča v večini zadev iz DZ. Prevladalo je namreč stališče, da je ta vrsta sodnega postopka primernejša za obravnavo družinskih razmerij od pravdnega. Glede na to, da trenutna ureditev teh postopkov v glavnem temelji na prejšnji, je namen magistrskega diplomskega dela predvsem predstaviti spremembe, ki jih je v ureditev teh postopkov prinesel ZNP-1, ob sočasnem poskusu ovrednotenja ustreznosti sedanje ureditve. Uvodni del magistrske naloge je namenjen orisu reforme sodne pristojnosti v luči DZ ter predstavitvi razlogov za izbiro nepravdnega postopka v večini zadev iz DZ. Temu sledi nato predstavitev novosti na področju splošnih določb nepravdnega postopka v teh zadevah. Pomemben sklop teh novosti predstavljajo ravno določbe, ki so namenjene dodatnemu varstvu otrok in odraslih oseb, ki same niso sposobne skrbeti zase, za svoje pravice in koristi. Predstavljen je tudi položaj otroka kot udeleženca postopka. Ugotovimo lahko, da je zaradi prenosa postopkov v zvezi z otrokom v nepravdni postopek otroku po trenutni ureditvi zagotovljen bistveno boljši procesni položaj. Večji del magistrskega diplomskega dela je namenjen predstavitvi nekaterih posebnih postopkov v družinskih zadevah. Posebna pozornost je namenjena postopkom za varstvo koristi otroka in položaju otroka v teh postopkih. This master's thesis deals with proceedings in family matters, which have been subject to major reform due to the enactment of the new Family Code in 2019. The Family Code transferred all the decision-making in family matters from social work centres to courts, and it also introduced some completely new competences of the courts. Consequently, this was followed by the reform of judicial proceedings in such matters, resulting in the new Non-Contentious Civil Procedure Act (ZNP-1). Due to its characteristics, non-contentious procedure is considered to be more appropriate to deal with such matters in comparison with the contentious civil procedure. As the current procedural legislation is modelled on previous legislation, the aim of this master's thesis is mainly to present novelties in Slovenian legislation, introduced by the ZNP-1 and to determine, whether the existing rules are adequate. The introductory part of the thesis is outlining the reform, introduced by the Family Code, and is setting out reasons for the decision on non-contentious procedure in most family matters. This part is then followed by the introduction of the novelties in the field of general norms of non-contentious procedure. It can be seen that large part of those novelties consists of norms aiming at the additional protection of children and adults, unable to take care of their rights and interests. The child's position within the procedure is also presented. Due to the transfer of all proceedings regarding a child to non-contentious proceedings the child's position within the procedure is strengthened. The main part of the master thesis, however, presents specific proceedings in family matters. Particular attention is devoted to the procedures for the protection of child's interest and child's position in those procedures. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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