Primerjava rezultatov simulacije z rezultati meritev na fotonapetostnem modulu

Autor: Vrbinc, Blažka
Přispěvatelé: Čepin, Marko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela. V prvem delu je teoretična razlaga sončne celice. Najprej so na kratko predstavljeni obnovljivi viri energije, med katere spadajo tudi sončne celice. Podrobno je opisana sestava in delovanje sončnih celic, podrobneje je opisan PN spoj, ki ga dobimo, ko »staknemo« P in N tip polprevodnika. Raziskali smo, kako delimo sončne celice in katere so za kupca z ekonomskega in s praktičnega vidika najboljše. Za uporabnika sončnih celic je pomembno, da imajo sončne celice maksimalni možni izkoristek, da se mu začetna investicija povrne čim prej. Izkoristek lahko izboljšamo s sledenjem soncu. Poznamo dve vrste sledilnih sistemov. Med seboj se razlikujeta po načinu sledenja soncu. Za zmanjševanje mehanskih poškodb je zelo pomembno redno vzdrževanje sončnih celic. Vsaka stavba, ki ima sončne celice, mora biti ustrezno označena in mora imeti požarni načrt. Pred priključitvijo na javno omrežje mora uporabnik izpolnjevati določene pogoje. Drugi del diplomske naloge je sestavljen iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo izvedli simulacijo sončne celice v programu Matlab-Simulink, ki smo jo v diplomski nalogi tudi podrobneje opisali. Simuliranje fotonapetostnih sistemov se z leti čedalje bolj razvija. S pomočjo simulacije lahko dimenzioniramo fotonapetostne sisteme in napovemo, kakšna bo poraba električne energije. Raziskovanje temelji na povečanju učinkovitost pretvorbe in zmanjšanju stroškov izdelave. Zelo pomembno je najti čim boljše snovno-geometrijske parametre celic, saj je začetna investicija zelo draga in časovno zelo potratna. Modeli sončnih celic temeljijo na eksperimentalnih in teoretičnih izsledkih znanosti z več področij, kot so na primer statična mehanika, kemija, kvantna mehanika. Cilj modeliranja je razviti model, ki vključuje celotno fizikalno delovanje sončne celice, je enostaven in omogoča hiter izračun. Aproksimacija napetostno tokovne I-U karakteristike je temelj modeliranja. Pri tem uporabimo matematični model fotonapetostnega modula. Danes nam pri izračunih pomagajo različni računalniški programi. Računalniški program s pomočjo numeričnih metod rešuje sistem enačb, ki jih model zajema. S pomočjo meritev, ki jih izvedemo, dobimo različne snovno-geometrijske parametre, ki jih uporabimo za numerično vrednotenje modela ter za simuliranje izhodnih karakteristik sončnih celic, kot sta napetostno tokovna I-U karakteristika in izkoristek. Najpomembnejši rezultati simulacij so napetost odprtih sponk, faktor polnjenja, kratkostični tok in izkoristek. Analiza nam omogoča, da ugotovimo, kateri nabor parametrov nam daje željene izhodne karakteristike sončne celice. Praktičen del naloge je vezan na konkretno fotonapetostno elektrarno skupne moči 86 kW, delno na strehi (41 kW) in delno na južni fasadi skladišča embalaže (45 kW). Celice so polikristalne, tipa YL230P-29b, katerih proizvajalec je Yingli Solar. Električni parametri, ki so podani pri standardnih testnih pogojih STC (ang. Standard Test Conditions), so napetost odprtih sponk 37 V tok kratkega stika 8,4 A napetost pri Pmax 29,5 V in tok pri Pmax 7,8 A. S pomočjo teh in še nekaterih drugih parametrov smo izvedli simulacijo fotonapetostne elektrarne v programu Matlab-Simulnik. Rezultate simulacije smo primerjali z realnimi meritvami, ki smo jih izvedli v podjetju. Meritve smo izvedli s pomočjo dvokanalnega osciloskopa. S simulacijo smo ugotovili, kako dobro simulacijski program simulira realne pogoje v naravi oziroma kako natančni smo bili pri izvajanju meritev. Meritve so pokazale zelo majhno odstopanje, in sicer je povprečen pogrešek znašal 2,6 %. Simulacijska krivulja in točke realnih meritev so se lepo ujemale. The diploma is divided into two parts. The first part is a theoretical explanation of the solar cell. It begins with a brief presentation of renewable energy sources, including solar cells. The composition and the operation of solar cells are described in detail, as well as the PN junction obtained when the P and N type semiconductors are "connected". We did some research on the division of solar cells and determined which are more appropriate for the customer from the economical and practical point of view. For the user of solar cells, it is necessary that the solar cells have the highest possible efficiency, so that the initial investment is met as soon as possible. We can improve efficiency by tracking the Sun. We know two types of tracking systems. They differ from each other in the way they follow the Sun. Regular maintenance of solar cells is very important to reduce mechanical damage. Each building that has solar cells must be specially marked and must have the fire escape plan. Before connecting to the public network, the user must meet certain conditions. The second part of the diploma thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part, we performed a solar cell simulation in the Matlab-Simulink program, which we also described in more detail in the diploma thesis. The simulation of photovoltaic systems has been evolving over the years. With the help of simulation, we can dimension photovoltaic systems and predict what the electricity consumption will be. The research is based on increasing conversion efficiency and reducing manufacturing costs. It is very important to find the best possible material-geometric parameters of the cells, as the initial investment is very expensive and very time consuming. Solar cell models are based on experimental and theoretical findings of science from several fields, such as static mechanics, chemistry, and quantum mechanics. The goal of modeling is to develop a model that incorporates the entire physical operation of a solar cell, is simple, and allows fast calculation. Approximation of the voltage-current I-U characteristic is the basis of modeling. We use a mathematical model of the photovoltaic module. Today, various computer programs help us with calculations. A computer program uses numerical methods to solve a system of equations captured by the model. With the help of the measurements we perform, we obtain various material-geometric parameters, which are used for numerical evaluation of the model and for simulating the output characteristics of solar cells, such as voltage-current I-U characteristic and efficiency. The most important results of the simulations are the open terminal voltage, the charging factor, the short-circuit current and the efficiency. The analysis allows us to determine which set of parameters gives us the desired output characteristics of the solar cell. The practical part of the task is related to a concrete photovoltaic power plant with a total power of 86 kW, partly on the roof (41 kW) and partly on the southern facade of the packaging warehouse (45 kW). The cells are polycrystalline, type YL230P-29b, manufactured by Yingli Solar. The electrical parameters given under Standard Test Conditions (STC) are an open-circuit voltage of 37 V short-circuit current 8,4 A voltage at Pmax 29,5 V and current at Pmax 7,8 A. With the help of these and some other parameters, we performed a simulation of a photovoltaic power plant in the Matlab-Simulnik program. The results of the simulation were compared with the real measurements performed in the company. Measurements were performed using a two-channel oscilloscope. With the simulation, we found out how well the simulation program simulates real conditions in nature or how accurate we were when performing measurements. The measurements showed a very small deviation, with an average error of 2,6 %. The simulation curve and the points of the real measurements matched nicely.
Databáze: OpenAIRE