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Šport predstavlja način življenja vedno večjemu številu ljudi. Vse več mladih se vključuje v različne športne aktivnosti bodisi po vzoru svojih športnih idolov bodisi zaradi bolj zdravega načina življenja. Tudi zaradi vseh dosežkov, zmag in kolajn, ki jih športniki osvajajo, zanimanje in veselje do športa med ljudmi raste. Tako bi lahko rekli, da šport že vrsto let združuje ljudi. Profesionalni športniki spadajo med tiste, ki se s športom preživljajo, vendar ni nujno, da hkrati dosegajo tudi vrhunske rezultate v skladu z določenimi normami v svetu. Na drugi strani imamo politiko, ki predstavlja popolno nasprotje športu. Popolno nasprotje v tem smislu, da za razliko od športa ljudi bolj razdira kot pa združuje. Obstaja veliko različnih definicij o tem, kaj politika sploh je. Nekateri so mnenja, da politika pomeni racionalno izbiro, spet drugi pa menijo, da politika pomeni vladanje oziroma upravljanje. V diplomski nalogi bo največji poudarek na ameriškem predsedniku in hkrati na ameriškem političnem sistemu, ki spada med federativne predsedniške sisteme. Ameriški predsednik ima v takšnem političnem sistemu funkcijo tako predsednika države kot predsednika vlade, v rokah ima izvršilno vejo oblasti, je vrhovni poveljnik in oblikovalec zunanje politike. Njegova funkcija je za državljane zelo pomembna, zato je pomembno, kakšen je njegov odnos in kakšen vzgled jim daje. To sem v diplomski nalogi preverila s pomočjo primerov iz ameriške lige NBA, kjer sem ugotovila, da je, sedaj bivši ameriški predsednik Donald Trump, v sporu z enim najuspešnejših košarkarjev ter da ni privrženec gibanja Black Lives Matter, ki se zavzema za boljšo prihodnost in za pravičnost vseh ljudi, predvsem temnopoltih. Vsi vemo, da je rasizem v današnjih časih velik problem v svetu, in z negativnim odnosom, ki ga je pokazal Trump, ni naredil veliko v smeri, da bi se ta problem kar se da zmanjšal. Sport is a way of life for an increasing number of people. More and more young people are getting involved in various sports activities, either following the example of their sports idols or because of a healthier lifestyle. Also because of all the achievements, victories and medals that athletes win, interest in and enjoyment of sports among people is growing. As a result, we could say that sport has been bringing people together for many years now. Professional athletes are among those who make a living from sports, but they do not necessarily achieve top results in accordance with certain norms in the world. On the other hand, we have politics that is the complete opposite of sport. The complete opposite in the sense that, unlike sports, it tears people apart rather than unites them. There are many different definitions of what politics is all about. Some are of the opinion that politics means rational choice, while others believe that politics means governing. In the thesis, the greatest emphasis will be on the American president and at the same time on the American political system, which is one of the federal presidential systems. In such a political system, the American president has the function of both the president of the state and the prime minister. He has the executive branch in his hands, he is the supreme commander and maker of foreign policy. His function is very important to citizens, so it is important what his attitude is and what example he sets for them. I discuss this in my thesis with the help of examples from the NBA, where I found out that the now former US President Donald Trump is in a dispute with one of the most successful basketball players and that he does not support the Black Lives Matter movement, which is fighting for the justice of all people, especially African Americans. We all know that racism is a big problem in the world these days and with the negative attitude shown by Trump, he has not done much in the direction of minimizing this problem. |