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V proizvodnji lesnih kompozitov, predvsem ivernih plošč, se uporablja tudi odslužen les. V odsluženem lesu se lahko nahajajo razna onesnažila, ki so prišla v stik z lesom tekom njegove predelave in uporabe. Pogosto pa je onesnažen že svež les, kar je največkrat posledica transporta. Ker pa ta les pogosto uporabljamo v proizvodnji ivernih plošč, pa so ta onesnažila lahko prisotna tudi v iverni plošči. Na slovenskem trgu je prisotnih mnogo različnih vrst lesnih kompozitov, ki prihajajo iz proizvodnih obratov različnih držav/proizvajalcev. Zato nas je zanimalo, kakšno je stanje vsebnosti onesnažil v ploščah na našem trgu. S tem namenom smo pridobili 78 različnih lesnih ploščnih kompozitov in jih analizirali z rentgenskim fluorescenčnim spektrometrom (XRF) za naslednje elemente: Cu, Cl, Cr, Fe, Pb, Br, Zn. Rezultati analiz so pokazali, da večji del zbranih vzorcev (56 %) presega mejne vrednosti po uredbi o predelavi nenevarnih odpadkov v trdo gorivo (Ur. l. RS 96//2014. Izmerili smo predvsem povišane vrednosti Cl, sledijo pa presežene vrednosti Cr. Po priporočilu EPF, 2004, presega mejne vrednosti anorganskih onesnažil nekoliko manjši delež kot po slovenski uredbi, namreč 44 % In production of wood composites, mostly in production of particle boards, the usage of recovered wood and wooden residues is more and more important. In recovered wood, there is possibility of contamination with different inorganic pollutants within the first life cycle. Furthermore, also freshly cut wood can be polluted because of, for example, salt on the road during the transport in winter time. It is most important to elucidate the quality of recovered wood, because it has been pre-used and most likely somehow treated with surface coatings, biocides, residues from construction or transport. These chemicals, then, can be transferred into a new product, like wooden composites, where concentration of inorganic pollutants should be limited. The maximal amount of inorganic pollutants in wood is prescribed by various ordinaces. In Slovenian market, many different sorts of wood composites from various manufacturers from different countries are present. Considering that fact, we were interested in knowing what the condition on the Slovenian market of wood composites is, regarding the pollutants. We gathered 78 different samples and analysed them with XRF for the presence of the following chemical elements: Cu, Cl, Cr, Fe, Pb, Br, Zn. The results show that bigger part of the samples collected are polluted above treshold |