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Diplomsko delo, kratki animirani film, Testni zajčki tematizira uporabe oziroma zlorabe strupenih substanc na živalih. Osredotoča se na uživanje alkohola, cigaret in hitre hrane, ki se testirajo na zajcih v laboratorijskem prostoru. V sami zgodbi animiranega filma so testni subjekti telesno povezani s čeladami na glavi, ki jim omogočajo, da ima ravnanje prvega posledico na počutje drugega. Cilj poskusa je opazovati občutek nadvlade, ki jo subjekt s substanco nato občuti. Zajec je postavljen pred odločitvijo, ali bo soseda, zavedajoč se nastale situacije, pogubil ali bo prenehal z uporabo dane substance, s katero je postal zasvojen. S temo animacije Testni zajčki želim opozoriti na moralno ravnanje posameznika in moralo etičnega vidika uporabe oziroma zlorabe strupenih substanc. My bachelor’s thesis explores the moral of the ethical viewpoint of the use or abuse of poisonous substances. The project Test Bunnies is focused on the indulgence of alcohol, cigarettes, and fast food. The mentioned substances are portrayed as the subject tested on bunnies in an undefined laboratory setting. The experiment connecting the bunnies through helmets allows the first subject to influence the second subject through his actions. The goal of the experiment is to observe the consequences of hegemony which the first subject adopts when it realizes his action directly influences others' life. The bunny is then obligated to choose between his indulgence or the life of another bunny. The result is a critique of our present society and its egotistical actions while realizing its responsibility for the pleasure that lies in the suffering of others. |