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Pregled želja in navad slovenskih gorskih kolesarjev, njihovih koles ter ponudbe na tržišču so pokazali, da je vožnja po utrjenih poteh v naravnem okolju bistvena značilnost sodobnega gorskega kolesarjenja. Izdelali smo predlog oblikovanja in poimenovanja posameznih zvrsti gorskega kolesarjenja: kros (cross-country), vsegorsko (all mountain) in gravitacijsko (gravity). Opravili smo temeljit pregled pravne ureditve na nacionalnem in lokalnem nivoju, ki je pokazal na nedosledno rabo pojmov ter uporabo pojmov, ki omogočajo različno razlago. Z raziskavo med predstavniki zagovorniških organizacij, vključenih v evropsko združenje IMBA Europe (International Mountain Bicycling Association Europe), smo ugotovili, da so ti v skoraj polovici vključenih evropskih držav nezadovoljni ali zelo nezadovoljni z obstoječimi načini urejanja gorskega kolesarstva v svojih državah. Na primeru dveh testnih tras za zvrst kolesarjenja vsegorsko na območju zahodnega Pohorja smo preverili možnosti umeščanja gorskokolesarskih poti v naravno okolje v Sloveniji. Metoda dela je temeljila na terenskem delu % ogledu testnih tras z uporabo ročne GPS-naprave in fotoaparata. Prostorske podatke smo obdelali v geografskem informacijskem sistemu. Oblikovali in izvedli smo postopek za ocenjevanje v nekaj korakih. Uvodoma postavljeno hipotezo, da ob doslednem upoštevanju pravnih predpisov umeščanje enoslednic v naravno okolje ni mogoče, smo ovrgli, vendar smo pri tem opozorili na znatne omejitve in nejasnosti. The survey of riding styles of Slovenian mountain bikers, their bicycles and offers on the market have shown that riding on narrow trails in natural areas is the main feature of modern mountain biking. We made a proposal of forms and naming of different riding styles: cross-country, all mountain and gravity. We also conducted a thorough survey of legislation at local and national level. The existing laws show terminology inconsistency and use of terms that allow for different interpretations. The survey among representatives of different organizations that are included in the IMBA Europe (International Mountain Bicycling Association Europe) has shown that at least a half of them is dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the current ways of managing mountain biking in their countries. We examined the possibilities of developing mountain bike trails in natural areas in Slovenian countryside in the region of west Pohorje Hills. The testing was made on two different test trails for all mountain riding style. The work method was based on fieldwork with examination of the test trails with the use of a hand GPS device and a camera. The data from the field was processed in the geographical information system. We formed and made a procedure of assessments in several steps. We disproved the initial hypothesis that consistently following the regulations on placing single trails in natural areas is not possible, although considerable limitations and ambiguities were pointed out. |