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V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni pripomočki, tehnike in sistemi, ki slepim in slabovidnim omogočajo gibanje v prometu. V prometu so ljudje z okvaro vida udeleženi kot pešci, sopotniki v avtomobilu, na javnih prevoznih sredstvih ipd., zato je tudi diplomska naloga sestavljena tako, da zajema vsa ta področja. Potrebe in razmišljanja slepih in slabovidnih pa tudi videnje videčih ljudi o slepih in slabovidnih v prometu je predstavljeno v anketi na koncu naloge. Poseben poudarek je na načrtovanju in oblikovanju odprtega prostora za slepe in slabovidne osebe in s tem na pomenu pravilne izbire materialov, barv in tehnik pri načrtovanju tega. V primerih prakse sem predstavila nekaj točk v Ljubljani, ki so bolj ali manj uspešno umeščene v prostor in so namenjene slepim in slabovidnim udeležencem v prometu. In this thesis I present accessories, techniques and systems which enable the blind and visually impaired to move in urban traffic. The blind and visually impaired participate in traffic as pedestrians, passengers in cars and in means of public transport etc. This thesis is therefore designed so that it covers all these fields. The survey at the end of the thesis presents the needs and thoughts of the blind and visually impaired as well as the views of those who can see on the involvement of the blind and visually impaired in traffic. A special emphasis is on planning and designing of an open space for the blind and visually impaired as well as on the importance of proper selection of materials, colours and techniques during the planning. The examples of practice include a presentation of a few points for the blind and visually impaired in Ljubljana which are more or less successfully placed in the environment. |