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V diplomski nalogi je obravnavano področje potresne analize montažnih hiš. Analizirana je poenostavljena različica dvoetažne hiša z leseno nosilno konstrukcijo, ki ga je podjetje RIMA HIŠE d.o.o. izvedlo v letu 2013. Poenostavitev geometrije smo uvedli zaradi veljavnosti uporabe poenostavljene metode analize konstrukcije. Pri delu sem se osredotočil na problematiko določanja togosti stikov med leseno steno in betonskim temeljem, kjer je v statičnem poročilu predvidena uporaba kotnikov tipa KR285 in AE116 ter med leseno steno in leseno medetažno konstrukcijo, kjer so predvideni kotniki tipa KR285 in ABR70. V nalogi sem primerjal dobljene rezultate podajnih stikov z rezultati analize, kjer sem upošteval toge stike. Potresna analiza je bila izvedena z metodo s horizontalnimi silami v skladu s standardom Evrokod 8. Izkazalo se je, da modeliranje podajnosti stikov ne vpliva bistveno na obremenitve v stikih, vendar je podajnost stikov pomembna za pravilno oceno pomikov. In the thesis precast timber houses are addressed. Analyzed is a simplified version of two-story house, which is located in Ajdovščina and which was built in 2013 by RIMA HIŠE. An emphasis is given on modeling of the joints between the wooden structural components and concrete foundation, where project design document prescribed connectors of type KR285 and AE116, and joints between wooden wall and wooden floor panel, where project design document specifies the connectors of type KR285 and ABR70. The effective stiffness of the joints was assessed on the basis of experimental results for similar connectors. For comparison, a model with rigid joint was also analyzed. All analyses were performed on the basis of lateral force method in accordance with Eurocode 8. It had been shown that the consideration of the flexibility of joints between structural components did not have significant impact on the seismic demand of the connectors, while the consideration of the flexibility of connectors is important for the assessment of displacement. |