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Magistrsko delo se skozi analizo pesmi francoske pesnice Marceline Desbordes-Valmore ukvarja z vprašanjem o (ne)prevedljivosti poezije ter skuša osvetliti temeljne razlike med francoskim in slovenskim verzifikacijskim sistemom. Pesnico na začetku ustrezno predstavimo, saj nam vpogled v njeno življenje in doživljanje odnosov koristi pri razumevanju njene ljubezenske poezije, ki jo kasneje tudi podrobneje analiziramo. Marceline Desbordes-Valmore je s svojim pesništvom pomembno zaznamovala obdobje francoske romantike in za seboj pustila dragocen pesniški prispevek. S svojo »trpečo liriko« je zadela samo bistvo romantike. Nekatere izmed njenih najlepših pesmi so nastale ravno takrat, ko je pesnica doživljala največ bolečine – ta bolečina pa je bila pogosto vezana na nesrečno ljubezen in na odsotne moške. Tri pesmi, ki jih v magistrskem delu interpretiramo, Ob bregu, Ločena in Pričakovanje, spadajo prav v njeno ljubezensko poezijo, ki jo je navdihovalo trpljenje. Poleg vsebinske interpretacije omenjenih pesmi, vzporedno primerjamo pesmi v izvirnem, francoskem jeziku, s pesmimi v slovenskem prevodu Marije Javoršek. Ob tem izpostavimo glavne vsebinske in drugačne razlike, ki se ob prenosu pesmi iz enega v drug jezik neizbežno pojavijo ter se sprašujemo, na kakšen način spremembe, nastale ob prevodu, drugače učinkujejo na bralca. Osvetlimo poglavitne zagate prevajalcev, s katerimi se nenehno soočajo, sploh ob prevajanju poezije, ki je od vseh literarnih zvrsti najtežje prevedljiva, saj je tesno zraščena z jezikom, v katerem je napisana. S tem, ko se poglobimo v razlike med francoskim silabičnim in slovenskim silabotoničnim verzifikacijskim sistemom, lažje razumemo, zakaj se prevodi ponekod oddaljijo od izvirnika. Skušamo odgovoriti na vprašanja o različnih učinkih, ki jih lahko že najmanjša razlika pri prevodu, bodisi semantična bodisi zvočna, ima na bralca. Through the analysis of the poems of the French poetess Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, the master's thesis deals with the question of the (un)translatability of poetry and tries to shed light on the fundamental differences between the French and Slovene versification systems. At the beginning, the poetess is aptly presented, as an insight into her life and the experience of relationships benefits us in understanding her love poetry, which we later analyze in more detail. With her poetry, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore significantly marked the period of French Romanticism and left behind a valuable poetic contribution. With her “suffering lyrics” she struck the vital essence of Romanticism. Some of her most beautiful poems were written exactly during the time when she was experiencing the most pain - and this pain was often tied to unrequited love and absent men. The three poems we interpret in the master's thesis, La fleur d'eau, Les séparés, L'attente, belong to her love poetry, which was inspired by suffering. In addition to the content interpretation of the mentioned poems, the poems in the original French language are also compared with their translations into Slovenian by Marija Javoršek. In doing so, we point out the main content and other differences that inevitably appear when transferring a poem from one language to another, pondering in what way the changes created during the translation have a different effect on the reader. Some light is shed on the main dilemmas that translators constantly face, especially when translating poetry, which, of all literary genres, is the most difficult to translate, as it is closely interlaced with the language in which it is written. By delving into the differences between the French syllabic and Slovenian syllabo-tonic versification systems, it is easier to understand why the translations deviate from the original in some places. We try to answer questions about the various effects that even the slightest difference in translation, either semantic or phonetic, can have on the reader. |