Predstavitev odnosa učitelj-učenec pri športni vzgoji

Autor: Maslo Plečnik, Žiga
Přispěvatelé: Štihec, Jože
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti odnos med učiteljem in učencem pri športni vzgoji s pregledom obstoječe domače in tuje literature in strokovnih ter znanstvenih člankov ter raziskav. Delo je monografskega tipa, uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda. Cilji diplomskega dela je bil odgovoriti na vprašanja: kakšen je dober odnos učitelj – učenec pri športni vzgoji, kateri so tisti dejavniki, ki vplivajo na odnos, kako učitelj športne vzgoje najbolj primerno rešuje konfliktne situacije, do katerih negativnih posledic pride pri slabem odnosu, zakaj je odnos učitelj – učenec tako zelo pomemben. Predstavili smo športno vzgojo in njene posebnosti glede na predmet in okolje poučevanja ter namen in cilje dela. V nadaljevanju smo podrobno predstavili odnos učitelj - učenec pri športni vzgoji ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo nanj ter v zaključku opredelili, zakaj je naveden odnos učitelj - učenec tako zelo pomemben, katere so negativne posledice slabega odnosa ter podali praktične nasvete za učitelje športne vzgoje pri vzpostavitvi dobrega odnosa z učenci. Delo prinaša veliko bogatih informacij tako za učitelje športne vzgoje kot za študente pedagoških smeri. Koristno bo predvsem za tiste, ki so se pripravljeni učiti in izpopolniti svoj odnos z učenci in s tem tudi izboljšati poučevanje. The purpose of this graduation thesis was to present the relationship between teachers and students in physical education with extensive research of the existing literature and science articles. Graduation thesis is written as monographic type and we have used the descriptive method. The goal of graduation thesis was to answer the following questions: what is it, that makes a relationship between the teacher and a student efficient, what are the main factors affecting this relationship, how can physical education teachers effectively solve any emerging conflict situations, what consequences can inefficient relationship between our two main subjects bring and overall, why is teacher – student relationship so important. We have presented physical education and its special features according to its main subject and working environment, purpose and goals. In the main part of the thesis, we have presented the teacher – student relationship in physical education and factors that are affecting it. In the end, we have identified why the teacher – student relationship is so important and what are the negative effects brought on by their inefficient relationship. We had prepared practical recommendations for physical education teachers, which will benefit them greatly and help improve their relationship with students. This graduation thesis brings a ton of useful information for both physical education teachers, as well as for students of pedagogical disciplines. It will benefit mostly those who are willing to learn and improve their relationship with students and with it improve the quality of teaching.
Databáze: OpenAIRE