L'insegnamento e l'apprendimento dell'imperfetto nei libri di testo d'italiano come lingua straniera

Autor: Volk, Hana
Přispěvatelé: Mertelj, Darja
Jazyk: italština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: Slovnica je imela skozi zgodovino glotodidaktike tujega jezika različen pomen, prav tako tudi njeno poučevanje, vendar je v tej magistrski nalogi poudarek predvsem na modernem poučevanju slovnice tujega jezika, ki je osredotočeno zlasti na skupini učencev a) od 11 do 14 in b) od 15 do 18 let. Ti dve skupini učencev imata nekoliko različne lastnosti, zato je upoštevanje teh lastnosti na področju učenja/poučevanja tujih jezikov ključno, da lahko rečemo, da je nek učbenik primeren za določeno skupino. Pri uvajanju "imperfekta" v učbenikih sta na voljo dve metodi (deduktivna in induktivna), vendar naj bi imel v zadnjih 30 letih induktivni pristop skoraj popolno prevlado, kar pa ne pomeni, da je deduktivni povsem prešel v pozabo. V teoriji se zasledi tudi predlog uporabe materinščine pri uvajanju nove slovnične strukture, toda v praksi - v štirih analiziranih učbenikih temu ni tako, saj se uporablja zgolj ciljni jezik. Poleg uvajanja nove strukture je pomembno tudi urjenje, ki se pojavi v oblikah treh tipoloških skupin, pri tem pa se priporoča predvsem uravnoteženost med njimi. Za slovenske učence je pri urjenju imperfekta značilen problem zlasti vpliv slovenskega dovršnika in nedovršnika, ki v določenih situacijah vplivata na napačno izbiro slovnične paradigme. Za področje Slovenije je zanimiv tudi podatek, da slovnica v učnih načrtih osnovne šole in gimnazije nima svojega poglavja, kakor ga ima npr. v Skupnem evropskem jezikovnem okvirju.The word grammar had different kinds of meanings through the history and likewise its teaching, however in this thesis the main emphasis is on the modern teaching of grammar, which is focused especially on the communication of the students from 11 to 14 and from 15 to 18 years old. These two groups of students have different characteristics in the field of teaching foreign languages that is why it is so important that the textbooks include these characteristics. At the introduction of the "imperfetto" the authors of the textbooks can choose between two approaches, but nowadays it is the inductive approach the one that has the supremacy, although this does not mean that the deductive one has already disappeared. In theory, it is possible to come across the supremacy of the mother tongue at introducing a new grammar structure, but however, in practice it is different situation because in all four analyzed textbooks it is used just Italian. Besides the introduction of the new structure it is important also the practice which can be in the form of three types of exercises between which it is recommendable to have as much balance as possible. Slovenian students tend to have problems at practicing "imperfetto" because of the influence of the Slovene dovršnik and nedovršnik. For the Slovenian school system is also significant the fact that grammar does not have its own chapter in the syllabus of the primary school and of the secondary school like it has in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Databáze: OpenAIRE