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V diplomski nalogi smo analizirali toplotne lastnosti modelnega objekta v Ljubljani, ki je bil zgrajen na območju vrta Oddelka za lesarstvo, Biotehniške fakultete. Objekt je bil zgrajen v leseni skeletni kontrukciji v letu 2013. Tekom gradnje je bilo nameščenih več različnih senzorjev (temperaturni, toplotni tok, sončno obsevanje …), katerih meritve smo uporabili v diplomski nalogi. Na osnovi znanih podatkov o konstrukciji posameznih elementov modelnega objekta smo nato določili računske vrednosti posameznih sklopov ovoja objekta. Pri tem smo uporabili enačbe za stacionarni prenos toplote. Na osnovi podatkov iz meritev smo nato ugotavljali realne vrednosti toplotne prehodnosti posameznih elementov ovoja. Da bi ugotovili toplotne karakteristike ovoja in njegovo obnašanje v zimskem in poletnem obdobju, smo uporabili merilne rezultate v časovnih obdobjih, ko je nastopilo v modelnem objektu približno stacionarno stanje (Več zaporednih dni ponavljajoče se zunanje temperature). Na osnovi tega smo ugotovili časovni zamik pri prehodu toplote skozi stene in dušenje amplitude, ki sta značilna za lahko gradbeno konstrukcijo. In the thesis we analyzed the thermal properties of a model house in Ljubljana, which was built in the green area at the Department of Wood Science and Technology of Biotechnical faculty. The building was built in wooden skeleton construction in 2013. During the construction, several different sensors (temperature, heat current, solar irradiation, ...) were installed, the measurements of which were used in the thesis. On the basis of known data of the construction of individual elements of the model object values of heat transfer of the individual sets of the envelope of the object were calculated. In this case,the equations for stationary heat transfer were used. On the basis of the data from the measurements the real values of the thermal transfer of the individual elements of the envelope were determined. In order to determine the thermal quality of the envelope and its operation in winter and during the summer period, the measurement results at time periods when the model object was approximately stationary (Several consecutive days of recurring external temperature) were analysed. On this basis, we determined the time lag in the heat flux through the walls and the amplitude of attenuation, which are characteristic of the construction structure. |