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Članek analizira družbenoekonomske učinke pandemije Covida-19 na migracije v kontekstu novega režima (ne)mobilnosti, v katerem so se mednarodne migracije močno zmanjšale. Na podlagi najnovejših analiz in poročil globalnih akterjev mobilnosti preizkušamo tezo, da so migranti ostali na delovnih mestih, da smo "drugi" lahko delali od doma. Migrantsko delo je pomembno za relativno nemoteno funkcioniranje družbe v obdobju največje zdravstvene krize odvisnost nacionalnih ekonomij od migrantskega dela pa je stalnica, ki jo je pandemija še zaostrila. Analiza kaže, da migrantski delavci v času omejene fizične mobilnosti (kot del globalnega prekariata in "novih revnih", ki jih je ustvarila pandemija) prispevajo k sistemskemu delovanju družbe. V ožjem vidiku analize se kaže precejšnja odpornost migrantskega dela, o čemer priča skorajda nespremenjen obseg denarnih nakazil migrantov v pandemičnem letu 2020. The article analyses the socio-economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on migration in the context of the new (im)mobility regime under which international migration has seen sharp decreases. Based on the latest analyses and reports of global mobility actors, we test the thesis that migrants have stayed in the workplace, whereas 'others' have been able to work from home. Migrant work is important for the relatively stable functioning of society during such a great health crisis still, national economies' dependence on migrant labour is a constant that has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. The analysis shows that migrant workers in times of limited spatial mobility (as part of the global precariat and the 'new poor' created by the pandemic) contribute to the systemic functioning of society. The narrower aspect of the analysis reveals the considerable persistence and resilience of migrant work during the pandemic, as seen in the almost unchanged volume of migrants' remittances in 2020. |