Vloga insolvenčnega prava v času gospodarske krize v Sloveniji

Autor: Oblak, Petra
Přispěvatelé: Simoneti, Marko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Magistrsko delo z naslovom »VLOGA INSOLVENČNEGA PRAVA V ČASU GOSPODARSKE KRIZE V SLOVENIJI« izhaja iz predpostavke, da koronakrizi sledi faza sistemske insolventnosti. Zato do sedaj zamejeni pristop držav, ki v prvi vrsti razrešuje le likvidnostne težave v podjetjih, v celoti ne more preprečiti nastanka krize. Potrebni so dodatni mehanizmi, ki stremijo k ohranjanju stabilnosti gospodarstva na dolgi rok. V te namene so v delu predstavljeni trije alternativni postopki, preko katerih se lahko vzpostavi solventnost podjetja: postopki, ki jih predvidevajo interventne zakonodaje, sodni postopki prestrukturiranja dolga ter neformalni postopki zunajsodnega prestrukturiranja. V okviru interventne zakonodaje so analizirani aktualni protikrizni ukrepi izbranih držav ter njihov vpliv na likvidnost oziroma solventnost v podjetjih. Ob tem je ključno, da se v izhodni fazi državne pomoči preusmerijo v vzpostavljanje stabilne kapitalske strukture na dolgi rok (poudarek je na vidiku trajne solventnosti). Nadalje so v delu opisane pomanjkljivosti tako obstoječe kot predlagane insolvenčne zakonodaje, ki v zadostni meri ne naslavljajo povečanih potreb po prestrukturiranju znatnega dela gospodarstva. Potrebne so začasne prilagoditve, ki poudarjajo pomen kvazi-sodnih postopkov, preko katerih je moč doseči prestrukturiranje na relativno hiter, stroškovno učinkovit in enostaven način. V zadnjem delu so predstavljeni postopki zunajsodnih poravnav kot sicer pomembna alternativa klasičnim insolvenčnim postopkom, a je za njihovo udejstvovanje v praksi v prvi vrsti treba poenotiti interese različnih upnikov. V nadaljevanju so tako predstavljene nekatere možnosti, ki spodbujajo akterje k medsebojnemu dogovarjanju Master's thesis called “THE ROLE OF INSOLVENCY LAW DURING THE ECONOMIC CRISIS IN SLOVENIA” stems from the assumption that the corona crisis shall be followed by a phase of systemic insolvency. Therefore, the hitherto limited approach of countries, which primarily solves only liquidity problems of companies, cannot completely prevent the crisis to follow. Additional mechanisms are needed to maintain the stability of the economy in the long run. For these purposes, the thesis presents three alternative procedures through which the solvency of a company can be established: procedures provided for by intervention legislation, judicial procedures for debt restructuring and informal out-of-court restructuring procedures. Within the framework of intervention legislation, the current anti-crisis measures of some countries and their impact on liquidity or solvency in companies are analysed. At the same time, it is crucial that in the initial phase the state aid is directed into establishing a stable capital structure in the long run (the emphasis is on the aspect of permanent solvency). Furthermore, the thesis describes the shortcomings of both existing and proposed insolvency legislation, which do not sufficiently address the increased need to restructure a significant part of the economy. Temporary adjustments are needed in order to emphasize the importance of quasi-judicial procedures through which restructuring can be achieved in a relatively quick, cost-effective and easy way. The last part of the thesis presents the out-of-court settlement procedures which are an important alternative to the standard insolvency proceedings however, it is first of all necessary to unify the interests of different creditors in order for the procedures to be implemented in practice. There are some possibilities enumerated in the continuation of the theses that encourage participants to agree on certain matters.
Databáze: OpenAIRE