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Mednarodne norme, kot konstitutivni element mednarodne skupnosti, imajo velik vpliv na delovanje in vedenje držav, hkrati pa prispevajo k oblikovanju mednarodnih in nacionalnih agend. Zaradi takšnega vpliva v magistrski nalogi preučujemo splošno sprejeto mednarodno normo dostojnega dela, ki ima svoje korenine v Mednarodni organizaciji dela. Dostojno delo, opredeljeno kot produktivno delo v razmerah svobode, pravičnosti, varnosti in človekovega dostojanstva, je z vključitvijo v cilje trajnostnega razvoja samo še pridobilo na pomenu ter prepoznavnosti in postalo politično zavezujoča mednarodna norma. Osmi cilj in podcilj 8.5 vsebujeta in opredeljujeta dostojno delo ter tako predstavljata osrednji del analize magistrske naloge. Uresničevanje dostojnega dela, osmega cilja in podcilja 8.5 pa nadalje prikažemo tudi na primeru dveh zelo različnih držav: Slovenije in Indije. Analiza primarnih in sekundarnih virov ter konstruktivistična metodologija nam v magistrski nalogi služijo kot temelji raziskovanja, s katerimi v zaključku odgovorimo na raziskovalno vprašanje ter predstavimo še preostala odprta vprašanja in omejitve. International norms, as a constituent element of the international community, have a great impact on the state behaviour and their functioning, while they contribute to the formation both of international and national agendas. Because of this great influence, this thesis is dedicated to generally accepted international norm of decent work, which has its roots in the International Labour Organization. Decent work, defined as productive work under conditions of freedom, justice, security and human dignity, has only gained significance and visibility when becoming a significant part of the Sustainable Development Goals, thus become a politically binding international norm. Goal 8 and target 8.5 both contain and define decent work, thus forming a central part of the Master's thesis analysis. The implementation of decent work, goal 8 and target 8.5 are further illustrated by the example of two very different countries: Slovenia and India. The analysis of primary and secondary documents, as well as the constructivist methodology, serve as the foundations of research in our Master's thesis. |