Izkušnje LGBT oseb v verskih skupnostih

Autor: Radešić, Nina
Přispěvatelé: Sobočan, Ana Marija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Mnoge verske skupnosti imajo dandanes še vedno zelo malo strpnosti do sprejemanja LGBT oseb, prispevajo k njihovemu zatiranju in diskriminaciji. Prepričuje se jih, da morajo moliti, saj se bodo le z molitvijo lahko spreobrnile in izognile ''grešnem življenju''. Tudi sama pripadam verski skupnosti in sem mnogokrat bila deležna situacij, ko so člani verske skupnosti LGBT osebe zmerjali, jih zasramovali ter jih poskušali prepričati, da je to le obdobje, da naj le molijo in se bodo ''spreobrnili''. Zato sem v tej raziskavi želela dati glas ljudem, ki so v skupnostih, ki naj bi sprejemale vse ljudi odprtih rok, mnogokrat diskriminirani, žrtve nasilja in zmerjanja. V diplomskem delu raziskujem o počutju LGBT oseb v verskih skupnostih, o vplivu dobrih in slabih izkušenj v verski skupnosti, o podpori ob slabih izkušnjah v verski skupnosti, o izkušnji razkritja spolne usmerjenosti in/ali spolne identitete v verski skupnosti, o izkušnji razkritja spolne usmerjenosti in/ali spolne identitete v izvorni družini, šoli, na delovnem mestu, v drugih skupnosti in navsezadnje o usklajevanju spolne usmerjenosti in/ali spolne identitete s svojo vero. V teoretičnem delu so zajete teme spolne usmerjenosti, spolne identitete, pomena kratice LGBT, razkritja spolne usmerjenosti in/ali spolne identitete, homofobije in transfobije, diskriminacije in nasilja nad LGBT osebami, LGBT osebe in verske skupnosti ter tema nasveti za socialno delo z LGBT osebami, ki pripadajo verskim skupnostim. V empiričnem delu predstavim metodologijo izvedene raziskave, nato pa predstavim še rezultate, pridobljene z delno standardiziranim intervjujem. V raziskavi je sodelovalo osem LGBT oseb, ki pripadajo ali so pripadale verski skupnosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da LGBT osebe v verski skupnosti občutijo več negativnih občutkov kot pozitivnih. V verski skupnosti so doživeli več slabih izkušenj kot dobrih. Dobre izkušnje so nanje pustile posledice kot so občutek pripadnosti, zavedanje, da homoseksualnost ni greh, slabe izkušnje pa so nanje pustile posledice kot so nizka samopodoba, nizka samozavest, razvijanje ponotranjene homofobije. Ob slabih izkušnjah bi si želeli podporo strokovnjakov, družine, organizacij, ki nudijo pomoč ter prijateljev. Tako izkušnja razkritja v verski skupnosti kot izkušnja razkritja v izvorni družini, šoli, na delovnem mestu in v drugih skupnostih, je bila za nekatere pozitivna izkušnja, za druge pa negativna. Večina LGBT oseb uspešno usklajuje spolno usmerjenost in/ali spolno identiteto s svojo vero, vendar tudi večina izpostavlja obstoj konflikta med spolno usmerjenostjo in/ali spolno identiteto ter vero. Many religious communities nowadays still have very little tolerance towards accepting LGBT persons and perpetuate oppression and discrimination against them. They are being convinced they must pray, as only prayer would lead to conversion and away from “sinful life”. I am also a part of a religious community and have witnessed many situations in which members of the community insulted and humiliated LGBT persons, trying to convince them that it is just a phase and that they should only pray, and they will be “converted”. Thus, in this research, I wanted to give voice to the persons who are often discriminated, violated, and insulted in communities that pride themselves on accepting everyone with open arms. In my thesis, I research how LGBT persons feel in religious communities, the influence of good and bad experiences in a religious community, the support offered in case of a bad experience in a religious community, the experience of revealing their sexual orientation and/or sexual identity (coming out) in a religious community, the experience of revealing their sexual orientation and/or sexual identity (coming out) in the core family, school, at the workplace, and in other communities, and last but not least, how they coordinate their sexual orientation and/or sexual identity with their religion. The theoretical part discusses the themes of sexual orientation, sexual identity, the meaning of the acronym LGBT, revealing one’s sexual orientation and/or sexual identity (coming out), homophobia and transphobia, discrimination and violence against LGBT people, LGBT people and religious communities, and advice about social work with LGBT persons that are members of a religious community. In the empirical part, I present the research’s methodology and the results that were acquired by means of a semi-structured interview. Eight LGBT persons who are or were members of a religious community participated in the research. The results show that LGBT persons in a religious community experience more negative feelings than positive ones. In a religious community, they had more bad experiences than good ones. The good experiences gave them a feeling of belonging and an awareness that homosexuality is not a sin, whereas the consequences of bad experiences were low self esteem, low confidence, and development of internalised homophobia. In the case of a bad experience, they would have wanted to have the support of their family, friends, professionals, and organisations that offer support. The experience of coming out in a religious community, as well as the experience of coming out to their core family, school, workplace, and other communities, was for some positive and for others negative. Most LGBT persons successfully coordinated their sexual orientation and/or sexual identity with their religion, however, most of them also pointed out the conflict between their sexual orientation and/or sexual identity and religion.
Databáze: OpenAIRE