Vpliv temperature in časa praženja na vsebnost akrilamida, različnih metilksantinov ter trigonelina v kavi

Autor: Ožbold, Neža
Přispěvatelé: Polak, Tomaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Kava je priljubljena pijača in njena poraba nenehno narašča. Velika količina zaužite kave pomembno prispeva k skupni vsebnosti akrilamida, kofeina in ostalih metilksantinov ter trigonelina v prehrani. Namen magistrskega dela je bil določiti vsebnosti akrilamida, kofeina, teobromina, teofilina, ksantina ter trigonelina v različnih vzorcih kave. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kako parametri praženja (temperatura (220 in 240 °C) in čas (17, 19 in 21 min)) ter različni načini priprave kave (moka, espresso in cold brew) vplivajo na vsebnost analiziranih spojin. Analizirali smo 3 vzorce zelene kave, 18 vzorcev pražene mlete kave ter 54 vzorcev pripravljenega kavnega napitka. V praženi kavi vrste C. canephora smo določili večjo vsebnost akrilamida, kofeina in ksantina, v kavi vrste C. arabica pa smo določili večjo vsebnost teobromina in teofilina. Največje vsebnosti akrilamida smo določili v vzorcih praženih pri temperaturi 220 °C in času 17 minut. V vseh vzorcih pražene kave je bila vsebnost akrilamida pod referenčno vrednostjo (400 ppb), določeno z Uredbo Komisije (EU) 2017/2158. V vzorcih pripravljenih kavnih napitkov (moka, espresso in cold brew) smo največje vsebnosti akrilamida, kofeina in ksantina določili v vrsti C. canephora, medtem ko smo v vrsti C. arabica določili večje vsebnosti teobromina in trigonelina. V moka in cold brew kavi je bila vsebnost akrilamida večja, kot v espresso kavi. V moka in espresso kavi smo določili večjo vsebnost kofeina v primerjavi s cold brew kavo. V espresso kavi smo določili največje vsebnosti teobromina, ksantina in trigonelina. Pri teofilinu pa so bile razlike med posameznimi načini priprave kave zelo majhne. Analizirali smo tudi 16 vzorcev kave s trga in nekateri med njimi so presegali referenčno vrednost za akrilamid. Coffee is a popular drink and its consumption is constantly increasing. A large amount of coffee consumed significantly contributes to the total content of acrylamide, caffeine and other methylxanthines and trigonelline in the diet. The aim of this master's thesis was to determine the content of acrylamide, caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, xanthine and trigonelline in different coffee samples. We explored the effect of roasting parameters (temperature (220 and 240 °C) and time (17, 19 and 21 min)) and different methods of coffee preparation (moka, espresso and cold brew) on the content of the analyzed compounds. We analyzed 3 samples of green coffee, 18 samples of roasted ground coffee and 54 samples of prepared coffee drink. A higher content of acrylamide, caffeine and xanthine was determined in the roasted coffee of the C. canephora species, while a higher content of theobromine and theophylline was determined in the coffee of the C. arabica species. The highest acrylamide content was determined in samples roasted at a temperature of 220 °C and a time of 17 minutes. In all roasted coffee samples, the acrylamide content was below the reference value (400 ppb) set by Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2158. In prepared coffee drinks (moka, espresso and cold brew), the highest contents of acrylamide, caffeine and xanthine were determined in the species C. canephora, while the highest contents of theobromine and trigonelline were determined in the species C. arabica. The content of acrylamide was higher in moka and cold brew coffee than in espresso coffee. We determined a higher caffeine content in moka and espresso coffee compared to cold brew coffee. We determined the highest contents of theobromine, xanthine and trigonelline in espresso coffee. In the case of theophylline, however, the differences between individual methods of coffee preparation were very small. We also analyzed 16 coffee samples from the market and some of them exceeded the reference value for acrylamide.
Databáze: OpenAIRE