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The integration of renewable energy sources (RES) is an important step in the transition to a more sustainable energy system. With the development of EU energy policy, the role of the consumer is more active and recognized as a central role in this transition. One of the concepts that we have investigated is the organisation of consumers and prosumers in energy communities. This master's thesis deals with approaches to modelling the concept of energy communities, where we chose the prosumer/consumer pair as a baseline model. With different scenarios, we analyzed how the flexibility of energy community members affects the increase of self-consumption of the energy community. Agent-based modelling represents an established approach to modelling socio-technical systems such as energy communities. The proposed models are implemented in the AnyLogic environment. By changing their flexibility and the availability of the energy storage system, we explored the possibilities for increasing the self-consumption of the energy community. With the acquired knowledge, we upgraded the baseline model into a smaller energy community aiming to achieve 100% self-consumption. Vključevanje obnovljivih virov energije (OVE) je pomemben korak pri prehodu na bolj trajnosten energetski sistem. Z razvojem energetske politike EU je vloga klasičnega odjemalca aktivnejša in prepoznana kot osrednja vloga v tem prehodu. Eden od konceptov, ki smo mu sledili je, da se klasični in aktivni odjemalci organizirajo v energetske skupnosti. Magistrsko delo obravnava pristope k modeliranju koncepta energetskih skupnosti, kjer smo za izhodišče izbrali par aktivni/klasični odjemalec. Z različnimi scenariji smo analizirali, kako prožnost odjema odjemalcev vpliva na povečanje lastne porabe energetske skupnosti. Agentno modeliranje predstavlja uveljavljen pristop za modeliranje družbeno-tehničnih sistemov, kot so energetske skupnosti. Predlagani modeli so implementirani v okolju AnyLogic. S spreminjanjem njihove prožnosti odjema in razpoložljivosti hranilnika električne energije smo raziskali možnosti za povečanje lastne porabe energetske skupnosti. Z pridobljenim znanjem smo izhodiščni model nadgradili v manjšo energetsko skupnost s ciljem doseči sto odstotno lastno porabo zelene energije. |