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Proces rezanja z abrazivnim vodnim curkom (AVC) spada med konturne postopke rezanja. Rezanje opravlja visokohitrostni vodni curek kateremu so dodana abrazivna zrna. Za doziranje abraziva se v veliki večini uporabljata dva pristopa. Prvi je pasivni oz. gravitacijski, pri katerem je masni tok vnaprej določen s premerom zaslonke. Pri drugem dozirnem sistemu masni pretok določamo tako, da spreminjamo hitrost potovanja kolesa ali transportnega traku. V delu smo opravili pregled literature lastnosti in vrst abrazivnih sredstev, ter pregled različnih načinov merjenja pretoka delcev. V eksperimentalnem delu naloge smo predelali dozirnik z vrtečim se kolesom in vanj vgradili optični merilni sistem, ki smo ga izdelali tekom magistrske naloge. Z namenom iskanja povezave med masnim pretokom in intenziteto prepuščene svetlobe smo merili intenziteto ter masni pretok abraziva pri različnih obodnih hitrostih vrtenja kolesa. Rezultate merjenih veličin smo prikazali z grafi iz katerih je razvidna korelacija med njima. Ob koncu smo zapisali empirično enačbo s katero popišemo povezavo med intenziteto prepuščene svetlobe in masnim pretokom abraziva. Abrasive water jet (AVC) cutting is one of the contour cutting proceses. Cutting is performed by a high speed water jet to which abrasive grains are added. For abrasive dosing two main approaches are used. The first is called passive or gravitational, in which the mass flow is predetermined by the aperture diameter. In the second dosing system, the mass flow is determined by the travel speed of the wheel or conveyor belt. In this paper, we reviewed the literature on the properties and types of abrasives and reviewed various methods of measuring particle flow. In the experimental part of the thesis, we redesigned the dosing system with rotating wheel and installed an optical measuring system which we made during the thesis. In order to find the connection between the mass flow of abrasive and the intensity of the transmitted light, we measured both quantities at different rotational speeds of the wheel. The results of both quantities were presented with graphs which show the corellation between them. At the end an empirical equation was written with which we described the relation between the intensity of transmitted light and the mass flow of the abrasive. |