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Zadnja leta tehnologija 3D tiskanja doživlja velik razvoj na področju živilske industrije, predvsem slaščičarstva. Tehnologija 3D omogoča tiskanje prilagojenih oblik in vzorcev, pripomore k personalizirani prehrani in tudi znižuje količino odpadkov. V delu smo najprej predstavili osnovno delovanje in različne tehnologije 3D tiskanja, ki se uporabljajo v živilskem sektorju. V nadaljevanju smo preučili primerne materiale za 3D tiskanje slaščic in njihove lastnosti, ki vplivajo na kakovost samega tiska. Predstavili smo tudi nekaj tiskalnikov na trgu slaščičarstva ter bolj podrobno opisali tiskalnik Foodini, s katerim smo natisnili nekaj izdelkov iz sladkorja in s tem spoznali možne zaplete med tiskom. Tehnologija 3D tiskanja ima tudi pozitiven ekološki vpliv, saj zaradi povečanja izkoristka surovin nastaja manj odpadkov. S skrajšanjem časa tiskanja, povečanjem možnosti izbire materialov in znižanjem stroškov bo tehnologija v prihodnosti lahko konkurirala tradicionalni proizvodnji živil. In recent years, 3D printing technology has seen great development in the food industry, especially in the confectionery industry. It enables the printing of customized shapes and patterns, contributes to personalized nutrition, and also reduces the amount of waste. In the work, we first introduced the basic operation and various 3D printing technologies used in the food industry. As part of the project, we investigated suitable materials for confectionery 3D printing and their properties that affect the quality of the print itself. We also presented some printers on the confectionery market and took a closer look at the Foodini printer, which we also used to print some shapes from sugar, learning about possible complications in printing. This technology would also have a positive impact on the environment, as less waste would be generated through the increased use of raw materials. By improving printing times, offering a wider choice of materials and reducing costs, the technology could compete with traditional food production in the future. |