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Zaradi vedno strožjih zahtev po zagotovitvi nizke porabe energije v objektih, je v potrebno zagotoviti stavbne ovoje s čim boljšimi karakteristikami toplotnega prehoda. To pomeni, da morajo konstrukcijski sklopi čim bolje omejiti prehod toplote iz notranjega prostora do zunanjega in obratno. Prehod toplote skozi sklop lahko določimo z izračunom toplotne prehodnosti skozi konstrukcijski sklop. Znani sta enodimenzionalna (1D) metoda in dvodimenzionalna (2D) metoda, ki jih opisujeta standarda SIST EN ISO 6946 in SIST EN ISO 10211. V praksi sta načeloma uporabljani obe, a je zakonsko predpisana uporaba 1D metode pogostejša. V tem diplomskem delu bom predstavila primerjavo med tema metodama. Za izračun toplotne prehodnosti po 1D metodi je uporabljeno programsko orodje TEDI za izračun toplotne prehodnosti po 2D metodi pa program THERM. Z vsakim od programov je bila izračunana toplotna prehodnost sedmih izbranih konstrukcijskih sklopov. Izkazalo se je, da so si rezultati toplotne prehodnosti konstrukcijskih sklopov izračunani po 1D metodi in 2D metodi različni. Rezultati izračunani po 2D metodi so v splošnem večji od rezultatov pridobljenih z 1D metodo. To pomeni, da 1D metoda ni najbolj zanesljiva. Due to strict governmental regulations of high energy performance buildings, sufficient thermal characteristics of building’s envelope must be reached. This reflects in low U values of structural complexes. Thermal transmittance through the complex should be as low as possible. Heat transfer through the structural complex depends on the calculated U value. U value can be determined by onedimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) calculation method described in European standards SIST EN ISO 6946 and SIST EN ISO 10211. In practice both methods are used, although the use of 1D method is much more frequent, as it is obligatory by regulations. In this graduation thesis the comparison of 1D and 2D method is presented. For the calculation of U value by 1D method computer software TEDI is used, while for the calculation of U value by 2D method computer software THERM is used. Both listed software were used for calculation of U value of seven different structural complexes. The comparison of 1D and 2D method is based on results obtained by the above mentioned tools. The results calculated by 1D method were different from results calculated by 2D method. In general results collected by 2D method presented larger U values. This shows that 1D method is not reliable. |